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  1. M

    Depending on faith over medication for anxiety disorder?

    Is that the right approach to take? I assume that if my faith were strong enough, anxiety wouldnt be an issue. Has anyone else ever had these thoughts about their anxiety?
  2. M

    New to the board

    hey everyone. Im new to the board. I joined because I have some issues that I am dealing with, and didnt know where else to turn. I just want to make things right with God. I've been straying off for waaaaay too long. Either way, good to be here.:wave:
  3. M

    Sometimes things happen that really straighten you out...

    Advice and comments welcome... I have recently had an online relationship with some I have never met before. We hit it off really well and at the time I felt she was giving me things that my wife wasnt capable of doing. After a while I felt it was wrong and broke things off before we took...