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  1. G

    How is it that so many scientists cannot see the many "flaws" of evolution?

    Creationists have a long list of supposed flaws of evolution. For example: The incompleteness of the fossil record The impossibility of the evolution of sexual reproduction The impossibility of the generation of the first cell (though abiogenesis does not fall under evolution) The lack of...
  2. G

    There is no old-age assumption.

    It is supported by all evidence. The only assumption is that there isn't a trickster God who created the universe 6,000 years ago and is determined to fool us into thinking otherwise, which is necessary to conduct science.
  3. G

    Creationists: What is the Magical Macroevolution Barrier?

    Well? It can't be beneficial mutations with the many observed instances of beneficial mutations and speciation.
  4. G

    Teach the controversy!

    In religious classes and clubs across the country Our Children™ are being taught only one side, Christianity! How unfair it is for Our Children™ to be told that Christianity is the only option! I propose that we teach only atheist arguments and Christian arguments and let the children decide...
  5. G

    Questions for Creationists

    1. What evidence would you accept as proof of evolution? 2. What evidence would you accept as a falsification of Creationism? 3. What evidence is there against evolution? 4. If you weren't a Christian do you think you would accept evolution or ID? 5. What have you read of evolution that...
  6. G

    Gravity evidenced?

    So much is based on assuming that the so called attraction of two bodies to each other is caused by natural phenomenon and not angels pushing or pulling. But is there evidnce of this, and can it be called a part of science? Or must it be considered science, falsely so called? My opinion is that...
  7. G

    To all who support ID: Do you support criticism of ID in schools?

    Such as refutations of common ID claims and ID's scientific status. After all, all you want is criticism of evolution, right? Why not criticize ID?