Question About MAGA


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Like all conservatives who voted for him and then turned on him, it had everything to do with Obama's Marxist agenda.
For some strange reason, a few of us were watching Trump politics even then, who heartedly helped prop up hope on Obama. I continued watching as one by one an otherwise liberal DT began to question BO’s poor choices of judgement. Not even a year had transpired and DT did a 180* and was now sounding the alarm and he hasn’t looked back since.

Yes, while those choices BO made could be traced back to his Marxism, DT never indicated that being even any form of basis from what I saw. I’ll stick with saying Donald had his business analytics in gear taking BO’s choices out one by one like ducks on a pond.
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Akita Suggagaki

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Jul 20, 2018
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It might depend on what one considers great again?

If what is great means safe and prosperous, which is something the ancient Israelites strove for, we would probably end up in the same vicious cycle they were in. The little foxes spoiled the vines. So it would probably take a leader with the wisdom of Solomon to get us all the way out of the cycle we're caught in. The best bet might be to build a time machine large enough for 2, and bring Abraham Lincoln back. We may have moments of peace and prosperity, but if one of the little foxes is racism/ethnic discrimination, then it'll probably be temporary.

We were never great when it comes to racism/ethnic discrimination. There's not one time in our history where we could claim greatness as far as the lack of it. Whether we're talking about the deep south conservative racist, or the liberal Hollywood producer who figured out how to market racial stereotypes to make it palatable to the mainstream.
Perhaps it was our optimistic idealism in the face of the reality of which you speak. That and our victories in two world wars.

But let us hear more from MAGA people.
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Confessional Lutheran
Oct 2, 2011
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We see MAGA hats everywhere, especially on news stories about political events.

MAGA stands for Make America Great Again, and Donald Trump introduced the slogan when he was running for President in 2016.

When did America stop being great? When do the people who wear MAGA hats think America stopped being great?
When does Donald Trump think America stopped being great?

I've been wondering about that since 2016.

I'd argue, just as valid a question might be, "When was America ever great?" That's not me trying to poopoo America, it's an invitation to a deeper question. Because what needs to really be asked, what really needs answering is: what does one mean by "great"? What is greatness?

Is greatness defined by our liberal democracy? That, in a time when the great world powers were ruled by monarchs and autocrats, we tried the great experiment to create something new? That certainly is great, I think. Less great, however, is the lack of enfranchisement for a great many people. It has taken a long time for this nation to grant enfranchisement to all her citizens. Even, at the start, only property-owners could vote, and therefore grant their voice and consent to be governed. If you didn't have property, if you weren't white, and if you weren't a man, then you were effectively powerless. Then enfranchisement came to non property owners. And eventually slavery was abolished, though it took a grizzly and blood civil war to end it, and we enshrined the right of people (regardless of their skin color or race) to be enfranchised to participate in the democratic process. Though in some places, the will of a powerful majority was able to hold back many--a period of time we call Jim Crow. We then enfranchised women. And then Jim Crow began to be dismantled, we ended segregation, and many brave men and women suffered and were even killed in the name of seeking to achieve equity in this nation--a nation founded on the principle that all were created equal, endowed with inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

So, yes, I would agree to the greatness of democracy, the greatness of liberty, the greatness of granting to individuals the protection of their liberty to be themselves without fear of retaliation, punishment, or torment by their government because of who they are, or what they believe, or what they say. That is a great thing. Less great is how, over our short national history, that very thing has been denied to many--usually because of who and what they are. For as long as this noble republic has existed, so has existed those who would seek power for themselves, and deprive it from others. So greatness has existed long, but weakened by the prejudice, evil, and autocratic tendencies of man.

It was not great for the millions of enslaved people, whose great and great-great-grandfathers and great-great-grandmothers were stolen from Africa, auctioned off to the highest bidders like they were less than cattle, and who were forced into perpetual forced servitude without rights, without protections, without any means of attaining even the tiniest glimmer of that noble dream of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; depriving not only themselves, but all their children, and children's children, and children's children's children--without end in sight; a spinning cogwheel of an evil machine going on without ceasing.

It was not great for the millions of indigenous peoples of this continent who were forced out of their ancestral lands, raped, murdered, enslaved, and in some cases entirely wiped out, allegedly all in the name of that very same noble dream. But a noble dream of a free republic for all people that commits genocide is hardly free. In the context of American history, it was called Manifest Destiny--and for a long time we even glorified it. Though it goes by a different name in the context of Germany history, Libensraum.

It was great when the slaves were freed. It is not great that we had slavery in the first place.
It was great when we ended segregation. It is not great that we had segregation in the first place.

Greatness, rather than a period of historical glory we look back upon, ought to be a noble dream to pursue. Not that we have been great, but are no longer; but that there is a greatness to aspire to, a potential for greatness not yet realized. That enshrined in the words of the Declaration of Independence, that all human beings are created equal, endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that We the People of the United States do, indeed, will to have a more perfect union, that the blessing of liberty might be on all of us, and all of our posterity.

Greatness is a goal to be sought, aspired to. If, indeed, greatness is to be defined by liberty, life, and the pursuit of happiness, not as provisional for some, but all by the inviolable and immutable fact that they are human beings, endowed by the Creator of all.

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Apr 14, 2003
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Fair Question. I think this question can only be understood by someone lived in the last century. Younger people today may not understand much about this since their memories developed during a time when America has gone through a very dark transitional peroid.

America stopped being great during the Bush years (Bush #43). America just got attacked by Islamic terrorists on 9/11 and that event changed our country and not for the best either. Not long after 9/11, war propaganda began flooding our media and it began to turn people into zombies for a leftist anti-american cause. Of course, Bush' failed econony and failed exit strategy for the war sure didn't help matters. In fact, it made things worse. People changed during the recession that lasted from late 1999 to 2016. I was unemployed for 8 years during that time without a job. Altogether, I was unemployed most of this century due to bad politics. Thanks to Trump and former governor Scott Walker, I work now. But during the resession you would meet many people who didn't have a job and everybody was struggling.

Then we had an election. Desperate to get rid of the former administration that was doing nothing to help the country get back on its feet, many of us felt like Obama would be worth the vote. We knew that John McCain was compromised and would not help the country anymore than Bush did. So we threw dice and voted for Obama. During the first term of Obama he did not do anything to help the economy or the chaos on the border. As for the war, that was still raging with no exit in sight and no real goal as to why and how our solders were fighting it? We just kept fighting with no end in sight. Many of us grew brains during Obama's first term and realized that Obama was not only another bad politician, but also a traitor with a plan to destroy America through Marxism. So we got off the Obama train and rallied against it.
Then the 2012 election came. Many of us thought that maybe had we overlooked Romney's Mormonism in the 2008 election, he might have defeated Obama and fixed the country. So we supported Romney only to watch him throw away the last debate with Obama as if he could not beat Obama. Romney lost the election.

The final 4 years of Obama was truly the turning point for this country. Obama had managed to bring back racism but this time racism was aimed at white people. Marxism is an ideology that divides people by class and race. Obama is a Marxism so division was his goal and he achieved his goal. The country was divided and we had another eleciton. Many of us got smart and realized that voting for anyone who goes by the title progressive, whether it was a Democrat or Republican, would give us more of the same misery. We wanted our country back the way it was before planet progressive marched in and made everyone crazy and down right stupid. We looked for the right Candidate that we knew all progressives worldwide would hate. When Donald Trump gave his Announcement Speech we knew we had found our man. Thus we supported Trump think and thin without care of what the leftist media would say about him. We knew he was not bought and paid for and he had always had that American pride that could never be compromised. Trump won in 2016 and our country was returning to its former greatness.

Had Trump been allowed to win the 2020 election, what would we be like today? Anyone who wanted to work for a living would be living in a 1960s economy but making the wages they earn today!! Do the math. We'd all be rich!! And I'll be honest here, I was getting rich off Trump's policies! I went from rags and poverty up into the middle class almost overnight. Trump was indeed making America great again!

Now, with election many of us are absolutely convinced was stolen, we have a President who acts more like a Puppet than an American leader, Biden has weakened America more than Obama could have dreamed of. Obama may have done great evil to this country, but he did not destroy it. Biden is making sure America is destroyed. The cost of living is hardly something to tolerate. We are literally being invaded by several armies of all men of fighting age at the border. People who live near the border are losing their homes and property to this invasion of mostly all men of fighting age. Fentanyl is being trafficked and murdering millions of Americans which continues to go unchecked. Human trafficking is on a steady rise with no signs of slowing down. We are a country so divided that had our leaders and soliders of the Civil War be able to witness today, they might have found a better way to resolve their differences. For we are far more divided than we were during the Civil War. The North and South still shared things in common together. Conservatives share nothing in common with the left. Each side holds beliefs completely contrary to the other. The two sides cannot co-exist. We are on the verge of another bloody Civil War and all because these people who used to call themselves progressives, but now are usually called woke, want to abolish Christianity, capitalism, exterminate all Jews, and deify the government.

So when Trump says Make America Great Again its because we were much greater before the maddening wine of planet progressive. Back in the 1990s, you would never meet a racist unless you lived in L.A. Since most Americans don't live in L.A., racism was nearly extinct and the KKK becoming nothing but a nasty fart in the wind. Bush #43 did little to help our problems from becoming major problem. Obama made America a place of evil. Biden is destroying America. And if we don't vote out all Democrats and those progressive RINO Republicans (who are Democrats under the name Republican), then we can just say goodbye to America.

My mom is sad that she was born in America but has to die in China. What we are living today, right now, is not what our founders intended. We are living in tyranny and this tyranny will only get much worse if we continue to allow such evil to permeate and become normalized in this country. We are being faced with the harsh reality of another civil war if we cannot remove the wicked politicians from our midst. All these people who voted for mass migration are not so unhappy living in a sancturary city. They want something done about all the crime that has come through the unprotected border. But they voted for it. For some people its taken much longer to wise up. We have less than a year for this country to wise up as a nation. If we do not understand Trump's message and continue to entertain the evil politicians who want to imprison him, then we are next in line to be imprisoned for whatever reason the government decided to imprison us for,

Make America Great Again are not the words spoken by terrorists as Biden claims they are. They are the words spoken by average Americans who have suffered under the bad policies of planet progressive. MAGA are your average working class abiding citizens.

Ragdoll: “… Obama was not only another bad politician, but also a traitor with a plan to destroy America through Marxism.”

Ragdoll: “Marxism is an ideology that divides people by class and race. Obama is a Marxism ...”

Marxism? I’m hearing this more and more. Apparently America didn’t learn anything from the Red Scare of the 1950’s. When Americans start calling everyone they don’t agree with a Communist, it only divides us and weakens our country.

Please take a look at the following links.

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Akita Suggagaki

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Jul 20, 2018
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Marxism? I’m hearing this more and more. Apparently America didn’t learn anything from the Red Scare of the 1950’s.
Thanks for the reminder. Even I was not born yet. Most of us only have black and white images and a few movies about it.
On this forum, Marxism, communism, socialism have become meaningless because of over use..
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Brother In Christ
Jun 28, 2011
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To me MAGA means a return to traditional American faith and values, a love for and embrace of the U.S. Constitution, pride in the American Flag, and a continued striving for all men to be regarded as equal under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. A return to our American identity.

Right now our traditional American faith and values are mocked, derided, and protested against. The U.S. Constitution is being interpreted beyond the intentions of our Founders, and is even being weaponized against the people of the United States. People curse the flag and are often embarrassed by it, some have called the American Flag a fascist symbol. We're being divided up by race, gender, sexual preference, gender identity, color, heritage, etc. to the point that we're slowly slipping back into a segregated society being fueled by the Left. Our traditional faith and values are in danger of being lost and the social fabric of the nation is being ripped to shreds.

MAGA is the restoration of, and a return to, our identity as Americans.
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Akita Suggagaki

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2018
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To me MAGA means a return to traditional American faith and values, a love for and embrace of the U.S. Constitution, pride in the American Flag, and a continued striving for all men to be regarded as equal under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. A return to our American identity.

Right now our traditional American faith and values are mocked, derided, and protested against. The U.S. Constitution is being interpreted beyond the intentions of our Founders, and is even being weaponized against the people of the United States. People curse the flag and are often embarrassed by it, some have called the American Flag a fascist symbol. We're being divided up by race, gender, sexual preference, gender identity, color, heritage, etc. to the point that we're slowly slipping back into a segregated society being fueled by the Left. Our traditional faith and values are in danger of being lost and the social fabric of the nation is being ripped to shreds.

MAGA is the restoration of, and a return to, our identity as Americans.
How is a president who has had several wives, cheated on them, brags about being a sexual predator, flaunts the law and the constitution, and is a poster boy for white supremacist's, a return to faith and values. Not mine and not American.
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Sep 3, 2021
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How is a president who has had several wives, cheated on them, brags about being a sexual predator, flaunts the law and the constitution, and is a poster boy for white supremacist's, a return to faith and values. Not mine and not American.
All of those traits listed, were in previous presidents, and depending upon the party (Democrats) they were usually ignored.

The individual needs to return to faith and values; I have voted in 10 presidential elections so far, none have inspired my faith or values.
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Richard T

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Maga is failing for more reasons than I can list. First, American is in a relative decline and at some point will not longer be the hegemon in the world system. How long it is projected to last as the largest economy is China (2030s) and India to be second (2070s) as the USA will decline to the third largest in a generation. The second reason is that to make America great again it requires fiscal and monetary discipline. Trump failed this aspect, as has just about every modern President. Clinton being the exception for a few years during his terms. A third reason is America is divided and polarized so how can it be great when there are hostilities? Only God can restore America and that restoration will have to be free from discrimination. It will require humility and not be selfish. Going backwards to what America was is deficient anyway. It requires new vision as the world has changed. It will have to address growing inequality, the social security shortfall and better management of government services across the board especially health care. It requires a bipartisan deal for dealing with our borders, and tougher anti-trust and privacy measures With that said, Trump does stop the progressive agenda and he gives the judicial branch a needed change. Thus, Trump is better than Biden, but there is plenty of room for improvement.

If you want to know how far things have gone consider President Truman who paid for his own chef out of pocket. His presidential staff was up to 57, whereas today it is north of 400. Reagan was genius because he at least gave lip service to moving many Federal government programs back to the states. (devolution). The tax code needs to be simplified, special interests tamed and a host of programs eliminated. Of course we can survive as is for a time, but the American dream is rarer. U.S. foreign policy is in shambles and education in decline as well. Other than God there is no past that can define greatness going forward. We can sing old revival songs all we want (probably better than most contemporary worship) but the reality is that God wants a new song embracing both the good from the past, and the guidance of what God desires today. We can only pray that America finds that path.
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One God and Father of All

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Apr 20, 2018
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How is a president who has had several wives, cheated on them, brags about being a sexual predator, flaunts the law and the constitution, and is a poster boy for white supremacist's, a return to faith and values. Not mine and not American.
At least Trump can admit when he is wrong. Biden has allowed drugs, sex slaves, gangs, and murders to freely enter this country and refuses to admit that it is his own weakness which has allowed it. He rescinded Trumps border policies as soon as he entered office. But he now wants to blame republicans for not securing the border In the wake of a crisis. Just as he quickly rescinded Trumps policies, he could easy reinstate them. But he is too proud to admit he was wrong. He’s a coward. He is responsible for all the crimes committed by these illegal immigrants since he freely opened the border. Yet he pushes the blame on others and refuses to accept even the littlest responsibility.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2021
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Maga is failing for more reasons than I can list. First, American is in a relative decline and at some point will not longer be the hegemon in the world system. How long it is projected to last as the largest economy is China (2030s) and India to be second (2070s) as the USA will decline to the third largest in a generation. The second reason is that to make America great again it requires fiscal and monetary discipline. Trump failed this aspect, as has just about every modern President. Clinton being the exception for a few years during his terms. A third reason is America is divided and polarized so how can it be great when there are hostilities? Only God can restore America and that restoration will have to be free from discrimination. It will require humility and not be selfish. Going backwards to what America was is deficient anyway. It requires new vision as the world has changed. It will have to address growing inequality, the social security shortfall and better management of government services across the board especially health care. It requires a bipartisan deal for dealing with our borders, and tougher anti-trust and privacy measures With that said, Trump does stop the progressive agenda and he gives the judicial branch a needed change. Thus, Trump is better than Biden, but there is plenty of room for improvement.

If you want to know how far things have gone consider President Truman who paid for his own chef out of pocket. His presidential staff was up to 57, whereas today it is north of 400. Reagan was genius because he at least gave lip service to moving many Federal government programs back to the states. (devolution). The tax code needs to be simplified, special interests tamed and a host of programs eliminated. Of course we can survive as is for a time, but the American dream is rarer. U.S. foreign policy is in shambles and education in decline as well. Other than God there is no past that can define greatness going forward. We can sing old revival songs all we want (probably better than most contemporary worship) but the reality is that God wants a new song embracing both the good from the past, and the guidance of what God desires today. We can only pray that America finds that path.
I agree.
No one from team blue or team red is going to save this country.

I think we crossed the Rubicon back when the GOP kicked out Newt, in exchange for another get along, go along, gladhander, that has been the norm up until Trump came along.

No matter who's in majority, we're just rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.
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Richard T

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Mar 25, 2018
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I agree.
No one from team blue or team red is going to save this country.

I think we crossed the Rubicon back when the GOP kicked out Newt, in exchange for another get along, go along, gladhander, that has been the norm up until Trump came along.

No matter who's in majority, we're just rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.
Yes, Gingrich was practical. Loved the contract with America. Lots of other nations look like they are failing before the USA too. It will be an interesting ride.
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One God and Father of All

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Apr 20, 2018
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I agree.
No one from team blue or team red is going to save this country.

I think we crossed the Rubicon back when the GOP kicked out Newt, in exchange for another get along, go along, gladhander, that has been the norm up until Trump came along.

No matter who's in majority, we're just rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.
The kings of nations, especially the most powerful, are prideful arrogant men.
There is no difference now than there ever was regarding these kings.
The powerful kings of today could learn a good lesson from the power kings of the past.
King Nebuchadnezzar was a very prideful king who attributed all his success and the success of his kingdom to himself.
It’s no different today. Take the current President for example. He boasts of himself for all his achievements in restoring what he says was a country on the verge of collapse, and how he has single-handedly brought his nation to be the envy of all nations in the world. A very prideful man indeed.

All this happened to King Nebuchadnezzar.
29 Twelve months later, as the king was walking on the roof of the royal palace of Babylon,
30 he said, “Is not this the great Babylon I have built as the royal residence, by my mighty power and for the glory of my majesty?”
31 Even as the words were on his lips, a voice came from heaven, “This is what is decreed for you, King Nebuchadnezzar: Your royal authority has been taken from you.
32 You will be driven away from people and will live with the wild animals; you will eat grass like the ox. Seven times will pass by for you until you acknowledge that the Most High is sovereign over all kingdoms on earth and gives them to anyone he wishes.”
33 Immediately what had been said about Nebuchadnezzar was fulfilled. He was driven away from people and ate grass like the ox. His body was drenched with the dew of heaven until his hair grew like the feathers of an eagle and his nails like the claws of a bird.
34 At the end of that time, I, Nebuchadnezzar, raised my eyes toward heaven, and my sanity was restored. Then I praised the Most High; I honored and glorified him who lives forever. His dominion is an eternal dominion; his kingdom endures from generation to generation.
35 All the peoples of the earth are regarded as nothing. He does as he pleases with the powers of heaven and the peoples of the earth. No one can hold back his hand or say to him: “What have you done?”
36 At the same time that my sanity was restored, my honor and splendor were returned to me for the glory of my kingdom. My advisers and nobles sought me out, and I was restored to my throne and became even greater than before.
37 Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise and exalt and glorify the King of heaven, because everything he does is right and all his ways are just. And those who walk in pride he is able to humble. (Dan 4:29-37)

The kings of the earth would do well if they could learn as king Nebuchadnezzar had. Even though the king soon forgot.
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Sep 29, 2014
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When did America stop being great?
1. When leaders stopped being concerned about illegal entry into our country.
2. When law enforcement became weaponized against those of one political persuasion.
3. When criminals were given freedom to commit crime without fear of prosecution.
4. When alternate life styles began to be taught and promoted as normal in our schools to children too young to make life altering decisions for themselves.
5. When censorship became normalized by our government.
6. When one has to show ID for many daily transactions but not for the right to vote.
7. When biological males were allowed to compete against biological females under the cover of fake fairness.

This list could go on but most should get the point here. Liberalism as defined by MANY (not all) in our leadership today is destroying our great country and taking it to a place that is not as Great as it once was. If allowed to continue this will ultimately destroy this nation as many others have been destroyed in the past.
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Akita Suggagaki

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2018
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What does that have to do with the obsessive "racist" labeling of a hundred million people? You're old enough to know that didn't start in 2016 and doesn't exist because of one person.
Trump legitimizes racism. And sadly, that is what many want.
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1. When leaders stopped being concerned about illegal entry into our country.
2. When law enforcement became weaponized against those of one political persuasion.
3. When criminals were given freedom to commit crime without fear of prosecution.
4. When alternate life styles began to be taught and promoted as normal in our schools to children too young to make life altering decisions for themselves.
5. When censorship became normalized by our government.
6. When one has to show ID for many daily transactions but not for the right to vote.
7. When biological males were allowed to compete against biological females under the cover of fake fairness.

This list could go on but most should get the point here. Liberalism as defined by MANY (not all) in our leadership today is destroying our great country and taking it to a place that is not as Great as it once was. If allowed to continue this will ultimately destroy this nation as many others have been destroyed in the past.

Thank you for replying.

Postview: “When law enforcement became weaponized against those of one political persuasion.”

This isn’t true. It isn’t happening.

Postview: “When alternate life styles began to be taught and promoted as normal in our schools to children too young to make life altering decisions for themselves.”

I don’t remember Donald Trump ever saying anything about this issue.

Postview: “When censorship became normalized by our government.”

This isn’t true. It isn’t happening. Could you give an example?

Postview: “When one has to show ID for many daily transactions but not for the right to vote.”

I vote and I always have to show an ID. I haven’t been asked for an ID for a daily transaction in quite some time.
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