Statement of Purpose Soteriology Debate Statement of Purpose

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Following my Shepherd
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Jan 27, 2004
United States
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Soteriology Debate Forum Statement of Purpose

The Soteriology Debate forum is for members to debate opposing points of view regarding the doctrine of salvation. All member's who participate in Soteriology are self-identified Christians through adherence to the Christian Forums' Statement of Faith and the Trinitarian nature of God. Choosing to participate in this debate forum means that you are aware that your personal beliefs may be challenged and attacked. Members, however, are never to be personally attacked. Please understand that in a debate the discussion may become heated at times. Keep your focus on challenging the idea, not attacking the poster. Flaming is defined as an attack on another member's character, as opposed to their arguments or beliefs. Please be aware, however, that some techniques used to attack another member's arguments or beliefs may be considered goading another member into responding with a flame. When discussing and debating controversial topics some mild flaming is bound to take place. Blatant flames toward another member such as, "You stupid moron," are unacceptable and will lead to staff actions. Stick to attacking another member's arguments rather than their person.

Specific Debate Forum Guidelines
  • CF staff members who participate in this forum will not moderate this forum or work reported posts from this forum.
  • CF staff who are not participating in this forum have the right to report any blatant violations of CF Sitewide Rules.
  • CF staff reserves the right to edit, remove, move or close any thread when deemed necessary.
  • If you accuse the content of another member's post to be a fallacy in reasoning (i.e. red herring, straw man), be prepared to defend your accusation.
Guidelines for Posting
  • Always remember that you are first and foremost brothers and sisters in Christ, regardless of your theological differences on the topic of salvation.
  • NT writers' teachings do not contradict each other or the teachings of Christ. (2 Peter 3:15,16)
  • Biographical discussions of historical church theologians or clergymen are to be carried out in the Christian History forum.
  • Do not identify a group of members or a theological viewpoint with a derogatory or inflammatory label.
  • Words and phrases which have a negative connotation in Scripture should not be used to describe a member, group of members, or a theological viewpoint. Some examples (including but not limited to): false gospel, false prophet, heretics, blasphemers, evil, sheep in wolves clothing, different God.


Trolling is intentionally disrupting a thread by posting inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages with the clear intention of provoking other members into an emotional response. Please do not troll. Calling another member a "troll" would be a violation of the flaming rule (calling them a derogatory name).

Posting Netiquette
There is no reason why conversations cannot remain civil without restricting speech. In most cases, it is not what was said but how it was said. Please peruse your posts before hitting the submit button to make sure that it conforms with CF sitewide rules and specific forum guidelines. The poster, and only the poster, is responsible for the content of their post so you are in full control of what you post.
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