God wants your body


Jul 10, 2014
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Let Him be the one in charge of what you say and do.

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Quick Hit!

Romans 12:1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. (NIV)

Sacrifice – it means giving up something of value to someone else. In this verse Paul tells us that our bodies are to be a living sacrifice. Usually, a religious sacrifice meant the killing of an animal. But Paul says that our sacrifice is not to die, but be a living sacrifice. The sacrifice is to be our bodies – the thing we live in. We live in our bodies, but we are to take control of our bodies away and give it to God. We are to say that we are no longer the boss of ourselves. We are giving up all rights to decision making and living. We are to say, “Here Lord, take this body of mine and do with it whatever you want.” We’ll see more of how to do that tomorrow, but today, make the decision that your body is not yours. It belongs to God and you are going to let Him do with it whatever He wants.

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