Regarding relationship w/ B -- continue praying for it or give up and move on?


Jun 15, 2014
Marital Status
I pray that it becomes clear to me some way, somehow, if B is the man who God will bless my life, and if I should continue to pray for us as a couple. Before any more time is devoted to thoughts of B and a relationship with him, I pray that God directs me as to whether or not it is His plan for me and B to be together.

If B is not the man who God wants in my life as a boyfriend and/or potential husband, I pray that I move on from him completely right now so I don't end up disappointed and hurt if it is not meant to be and if there is someone else God intends for me to free myself up to meet.

However, I do pray B IS the prince God intends for me and that our relationship develops very soon.

Thank you and GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU. Thank you all SO MUCH for praying for me -- and for B.