Recent content by XenNetwork

  1. X

    non-believers going to church/youth

    the pastor belives that if people arnt there for the youth leader and do not like the youth leader, then it will corrupt the rest of the youth. I belive the pastor is wrong with this. The pastor kept telling me that you must obey atuhory figures(youth leaders & pastors) becuase if you dont then...
  2. X

    non-believers going to church/youth

    that is a very good idea.
  3. X

    non-believers going to church/youth

    Ok today me and my uncle went to youth, my uncle is athiest and hates the girl(her name is christi) who runs it becuase she is a hypocrite. So christi found out that he hates her. She got really angry and told me that my uncle shouldnt come any more. My girlfriend who was sitting next to me said...
  4. X

    Teleknisis and god?

    well i search some of this stuff on the internet and people where talking about teleknisis and speaking with spirits and they said it was evil. so i guess some people got mixed up with whats is what
  5. X

    Teleknisis and god?

    What dose the bible have to say about teleknisis..and i mean about moving thing with your mind. IM NOT TALK ABOUT SPEAKING WITH THE DEAD! im talking about moving thing with your mind. i just had to clear that up cuz some people get confused
  6. X

    Revelation 20:1-6...PAST, PRESENT, or FUTURE..?

    I picked future, becuase i do not see the symbol of the beast on anyone, yet....And people are still decived on the lies of the devil, and it says the devil gets locked up for thousand years so that no nations will be decived
  7. X


    How come we have to pray if god can read our thoughts?
  8. X

    Holy Trinity?

    If jesus, god, and the holy spirt are one can jesus sit on the right hand of god? why would jesus pray to god, if god is jesus. I'm very confused about this subject, I would like some help please. Thank you!:thumbsup: