Recent content by WhenFinallySetFree777

  1. WhenFinallySetFree777

    What are you listening to now? V. 1 Billion (20)

    I have not been on here in so long, good heavens... Back Down Lady - That Was Something
  2. WhenFinallySetFree777

    Song of the Moment!!!!!

    Stolen - Dashboard Confessional I hadn't given a second thought to Chris Carrabba for about an eternity. Last night I was watching Leno and happened to see them perform this song on the show. *heart MELTS* Gorgeous. The anthem of everything summertime, romantic, and nostalgic.
  3. WhenFinallySetFree777

    Your Own Band/Album/Song Titles

    I did this same thread quite a while back, but by the nature of it, even if only the same people responded, there could be completely different answers. Which brings me to the question: thought of any words/phrases/whatever elses that have made you think to yourself, "Man - that'd be a great...
  4. WhenFinallySetFree777

    Any songs that remind you of Jesus?

    Brand New Colony and We Will Become Silhouettes - The Postal Service Just Watch The Fireworks, For Me This Is Heaven, and Hear You Me - all Jimmy Eat World In Your Eyes - Peter Gabriel
  5. WhenFinallySetFree777

    What are you listening to right now

    Newfound Mass (2000) - The Get-Up Kids
  6. WhenFinallySetFree777

    What are you listening to now? V. 1 Billion (17)

    Newfound Mass (2000) - The Get-Up Kids
  7. WhenFinallySetFree777

    What are you listening to now? V. 1 Billion (17)

    Just Watch The Fireworks - Jimmy Eat World
  8. WhenFinallySetFree777

    Singers A-Z (2)

    Enigk, Jeremy
  9. WhenFinallySetFree777

    What are YOU currently reading? (4)

    I applaud you. Read it of my own caprice last summer. If you haven't, browse different translations. Some are cumbersome, some are magnificent. :) As for myself... What Dreams May Come - Richard Matheson
  10. WhenFinallySetFree777

    Challenging/Thought-provoking books

    Christian themed: Wild at Heart - John Eldredge Captivating - John & Stasi Eldredge Blue Like Jazz - Donald Miller The Screwtape Letters - C.S. Lewis Pilgrim's Regress - C.S. Lewis Non-Christian themed: The His Dark Materials trilogy (The Golden Compass, The Subtle Knife, and The Amber...
  11. WhenFinallySetFree777

    Young Adults Question Thread (3)

    Sometimes. Depends on where I have to go that morning (i.e., school) and how much time I have in the morning before I leave the house. If you could live any one day of your life over again, what day would it be?
  12. WhenFinallySetFree777

    What are you listening to now? V. 1 Billion (17)

    Anybody Wanna Take Me Home - Ryan Adams
  13. WhenFinallySetFree777

    What are you listening to now? V. 1 Billion (17)

    This House Is Not For Sale - Ryan Adams
  14. WhenFinallySetFree777

    Song Title Game (5)

    I Should Be Lost Without You - David Condos
  15. WhenFinallySetFree777

    Singers A-Z (2)

    Chris Martin