Recent content by Unitarian4Jesus

  1. Unitarian4Jesus


    Hello! Peace be unto you.
  2. Unitarian4Jesus

    Songs in your Religion

    Other than “Nearer My God To Thee”, I don't know of any others.
  3. Unitarian4Jesus

    Back To Jesus

    Thanks, Pink Spider! I love your username BTW!
  4. Unitarian4Jesus

    Back To Jesus

    Thank you kindly!
  5. Unitarian4Jesus

    Back To Jesus

    Hey, people of the earth! It's me, Devin....again. I've been away from the CF for several months wanting to find my own spiritual path with my religious community as a Unitarian. I've tried it all, but I wasn't happy. So, I'm going to start at the beginning as a Christian Unitarian. I hope that...