Recent content by treesinthebreeze

  1. T

    You YECs sure it hasn't been 7000 years?

    Don't forget the unicorns! ^_^ What cities? God not need test your faith as it says in the bible, "Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.'" - Matthew 4:7 Does it make sense that God would create evidence to prove his "Word" wrong, when you shouldn't...
  2. T

    I just created a universe

    I got a great joke too!
  3. T

    You YECs sure it hasn't been 7000 years?

    What about the Aboriginals? Some of their stuff dates back 50,000 years!
  4. T

    Why did God not address modern day issues in the bible?

    Well I'm confused! I suppose it's a matter of taking parts of the Bible literally only where it suits their current situation yeah?
  5. T

    I salute you Creationists, I realize now that everything you say is correct.

    You know the word Bible isn't so special and unique like you might think it is. According to the Online Etymology Dictionary, the word bible[4] is from Anglo-Latin biblia, traced from the same word through Medieval Latin and Late Latin, as used in the phrase biblia sacra ("holy book" - "In the...
  6. T

    Why did God not address modern day issues in the bible?

    I think Armageddon was supposed to happen shortly after Jesus died so the NT was written more for preaching and not for teaching. or something like that. *shrugs shoulders*
  7. T

    Fish out of water

    I bought this book off amazon. Can't wait to read it :)
  8. T

    Watchmaker Refute

    Yeah I read the bible and it says the bat is a bird. Lev 11:13-19, Deut 14:11-18
  9. T

    My Perfect Car Challenge

    Wouldn't the "perfect" car have to wreck itself to be more like the biblical story?
  10. T

    Some good news here

    These scams by major players in the Creationist field only continue to prove that that's all it was all along, a scam. Yet people will continue to go on believing the lies they've told.
  11. T

    Watchmaker Refute

    The maple seed.. What purpose does it's wing serve? List of flightless birds. Ratites Ostrich Emu Kangaroo Island Emu (extinct) King Island Emu (extinct) Cassowaries Moa (extinct) Elephant birds (extinct) Kiwis RheasGrebes Junin Flightless Grebe Titicaca Flightless Grebe Atitlán Grebe...
  12. T

    Were Jesus, the Apostles, and early church fathers YEC?

    For a guy that put zircons in place, he seemed to know little about fig trees.
  13. T

    move over monkeys

    I was thinking the other day that what people called nerds and geeks in the 80s/90s are more common place now. People are more likely to accept each other for who they are, well except for the religious people that like to ride around on their moral high horse. I think we have definately evolved...
  14. T

    Laugh in their face as they behead you

    Much suffering of Christians is at the hand of other Christians with a slightly different belief. Just look back through history and you'll see what I mean.
  15. T

    I Don't Think We Get It!

    If we sat next to each other in the cafeteria at work and I started to talk about long division. I went on and on about it. I said that only people who did long division were smart, people who used calculators are morons and I constantly invited you to meetings at the long division club. What...