
I'm a college student. I don't have a career plan yet, but I'm considering occupational therapist. I'm a bit of a loner, and I love my babies (aka my pets). I like to get to know people and connect. I came here for the Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder support forum and I stayed for the welcoming and interesting fellowship found throughout the site's unique groups (and I'm also hopelessly addicted to the polls feature now). I'm just as open as I am uptight. I'm a barrel full of contradictions, just like Starbursts. Get to know me, I dare you!

Reading, drawing, psychology, films, writing, other stuff

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North Carolina
Marital Status


Your life doesn't have to be perfect for you to believe in God. It doesn't have to be imperfect for you to need Him.


Alcohol is like Polyjuice Potion; it tastes terrible and turns you into someone you're not.

