Recent content by squigglydoodle

  1. S

    What are your Favorite Anime/Mangas?

    Anime- Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, and Princess Mononoke Manga- Mikan no Tsuki (Crescent Moon in Tokyopop), Otona ni Nattu, and Clover
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    Samurai Champloo

    I've seen all 7 episodes that are available (or at least that's what I assume, I can't seem to find any more than that anywhere). I don't remember the first episode going backwards, though. Anyway, from what I've seen this anime is shaping up to be a pretty darn good one. Each episode I've seen...
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    Favorit Anime show opening

    I'm going to go with Samurai Champloo. It's from the same creator(s) of Cowboy Bebop so, of course, it has addictive music and awesome visuals to go along.
  4. S

    Whats the problem with Cloning???

    How do we all know human cloning hasn't already been done in someone's basement? Honestly, right now, all you really need is enough money, the equipment, and a good biologist to do it.