Recent content by SnappleX

  1. SnappleX

    Prayer to stand firm against the devil

    Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you. Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. Stand firm against him, and be strong in your faith. Remember that your Christian brothers and sisters all...
  2. SnappleX

    Thank you Christianforums!

    Hello. I have become very consumed with work and life and local ministries that I have not been active over the past year but I wanted to thank each and every person on this forum! I intend to devote some more time to the forums. God Bless and thank you all for being such amazing servants of...
  3. SnappleX

    Why do miracles occur to the "godless"?

    Too much of a pain in the butt to write a thorough reply on smart phone Short answer- we know the Lord is slow to anger - meaning it takes a lonnng time for him to completely turn from you. There's differences in not believing in God and being hostile to him. The person may be a sheep without...
  4. SnappleX

    Why do miracles occur to the "godless"?

    Before I read through this post and respond - I am going to start off by saying GREAT post! I think all followers of Christ have asked this to themselves on more than one occasion. I surely have
  5. SnappleX

    Mark Schell please dial 151

    1 Thessalonians 5:21 test all thing;[bless and do not curse]hold[bless and do not curse]on to what is[bless and do not curse]good
  6. SnappleX

    Writing a book. I need help

    Thanks everyone
  7. SnappleX

    The Glory to be revealed in those who suffer with Christ

    Psalms 34:19- Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of them all. I have struggled with mental health most of my life and I am convinced the reason is for God. My advice to you and anyone else who struggles with this type of thing is to pray about it and...
  8. SnappleX

    Are you forever doomed to Hell if you say God's name in vein?

    I once threw a bible accross the room and used profanity to God. This was 4 years ago. I still attend church to this day and read my bible. Also, it would contradict scripture. The bible suggest - in multiple occurances that God is merciful, forgiving and that his love endures forever...
  9. SnappleX

    Writing a book. I need help

    Saved24 there will definately be mention of that verse. Parsley - couple things. 1) The book may never be a real book that you find on the shelves of Barnes and Noble. It may just be publically viewable on my website: 2) I am asking for suggestions, when a doctor is diagnosing a...
  10. SnappleX

    Mark Schell please dial 151

    Mark Schell 151 please!
  11. SnappleX

    Writing a book. I need help

    Hello I am making this post from my cell phone so it will not be very thorough. I am a journalist and have decided to publish some of my entries. I am writing a self help book for addiction and recovery. Specifically members of the Alcoholics Anonymous organization. What is unique about my...
  12. SnappleX

    What church do you attend?

    Sometimes it's more beneficial to do your own bible study with sincere believers. Watch out for the wolves in sheep clothing. They are everywhere.
  13. SnappleX

    Swimming - AKA. Quality time with my Lord and Savior!

    It's funny that you reply to this thread right now. I am currently on step 11 on my 12steps and I had a good two hour chat with close friend of mine by the name of Jonathon St. John... A very intellectual and intelligent man. He advised me to start swimming again and spend the time taking one...