Recent content by rockwell

  1. rockwell

    how do i do this - need help

    hey all. I need help falling in love with the Lord again, the lover of my soul, my first love. I have (last year) failed, drifted apart and backstabbed God. I used to be close to God, i used to feel his presence and the Holy spirits warnings. I really see the need to get closer to God...
  2. rockwell

    Quick moral question.

    bro, there are many things that the Lord did not explicitly say... eg. in the Bible, you shall not download mp3s or you shall not have Mp3s on your space when it comes to this things, there is was called "things of the heart" where the Holy Spirit will tell you and speak to you in regards to...
  3. rockwell

    Sex before marriage

    hey buddy, I am on the same boat... i do (also) feel the same urges and needs to have sex and go all the way. I have done everything with my girlfriend (except for having sex) I know i have gone overboard and there are many things that we should have not done. but thank God he has forgiven me...
  4. rockwell

    help!!! >dealing with adoption issues<

    hi guys, thanks heaps for all the replies. I can see a lot of wisdom coming from you all and thank you for your kind words and thoughts. Thanks also for all the stories, the only problem is that i cannot go up to her and tell her how jesus was adopted, the story of samuel or any other...
  5. rockwell

    help!!! >dealing with adoption issues<

    Hi guys and girls, a dear friend of mine, who happens to be my best friend and who is more like my girlfriend than a friend was adopted when she was a baby, her current parents are christian and really love her. She is the most beautiful girl I have ever met, she’s pretty smart, spontaneous...
  6. rockwell

    I feel like I'm a cast out child often.

    Blessing bro... please read the private message i sent you. I will be praying for you. rockwell
  7. rockwell

    How do you know it's time to leave Mom and Dad?

    Hi MustangJena02, Its really hard to live outside your home, i have many friends who do that and trust me, it aint easy!!! i dont wanna sound super religious but biblically speaking, you should leave your house (parents house ie.) when you get married. remember the verse "he/she shall leave...
  8. rockwell

    Holden or ford

    Go Ford! Ford BAs are the best thing that Ford has created in their entire history. We've owned models: ED, EF, ELs and AUs and except for the ED, they have all given us problems (minor probs maybe, but still) Nothing beats a well built, Japanese made, Mazda 6!!!
  9. rockwell

    socceroos were cursed ?!?!?!

    I love what Ps. Russell said this afternoon from the pulpit... it was something like this.... "you guys heard something about a curse that the ozzies had, well that's just an excuse for being bad at soccer but even if it was true, my God is the ruler of the universe and He's said that the evil...
  10. rockwell

    socceroos were cursed ?!?!?!

    Hi there fellow citizens, accoording to some dude (safran) some witchdoctor from africa cursed the socceroos and that's the reason why they had not made it to the World cup for more than 30 years... read: I know curses do exist and as a...
  11. rockwell

    thank you Lord

    Hi guys, i just wanna praise the most awesome God of gods and Lord of Lords for his blessings, love and care. My dad had a vascular operation today and developed some pretty bad breathing problems while under the anesthesia. The Lord really looked after him during the procedure and even though...
  12. rockwell

    "One" word can make a difference!!

    What is the actual context of “a terrorist”... Semantically speaking – how does it affect us as private citizens and as a community?
  13. rockwell

    introduce yourself

    I was thinking... for all the new people like me, what if we introduce ourselves. I have been on CF for about a year but this is the first time i'm on the Australian forum (told you this was gonna be a weird post) anyway... I am rockwell, male, 22yo single, born again christian, belong to...
  14. rockwell

    saying happy b day to the ex

    Dunno pal, if i was in your shoes, i'd be kind of second guessing myself (if that makes any sense!) again, If it was me, and I really-really-really wanted to give her that verse i suggest you send her a birthday card or something, write it down, short, precise and 'COLD' (think of writting a...
  15. rockwell

    God giving you your life partner

    Hi there, you sound pretty upset, i just hope you are not!!! about you getting pregnant and marrying an unbeliever - i am not here to judge you and i will not comment on that! about roman catholic priests not being able to get married, I am a born against christian and there is nothing in...