Recent content by RiverDays

  1. RiverDays

    Haven't been to my church in eleven yr's

    Hi Dabro It can be uncomfortable attending a new church. I'd suggest taking a friend with you the first time. Sometimes even unbelievers will go along knowing it's your first time too. Otherwise you could try a more relaxed service like the midweek one, or a prayer meeting to get your feet...
  2. RiverDays

    Is anyone in Heaven?

    Hi MQF! I believe heaven is the place the Lord Jesus occupies :D Riv :)
  3. RiverDays

    Etsy store or selling your crafts

    Hi Reann Because Etsy is so much more reasonable than Ebay I have kept items in my shop for yrs and have had descent sales. The problem is they're not consistant and it's pretty much a waiting game unless you work at promoting yourself through facebook or blogs, etc. Basically getting your...
  4. RiverDays

    President Obama

    One of the great things about the USA is our freedom of speech. When someone, especially one who "leads" in actions and thought, publically announces what he/she believes is good and approves of, "We The People" also should have the freedom to reply whether we agree and believe it's a good...
  5. RiverDays

    A question....

    Good Q! Personally, I do believe all dreams are from God ....because He says they are. He also says nightmares are from Him. There's nothing in Scripture, that I'm aware of, that says some dreams come from the devil so I don't consider this idea ether. The dream interpretations we see in...
  6. RiverDays


    {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ :wave: ClayVessel <3 :) }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
  7. RiverDays

    Dreams of a little girl!

    This was my thought too. Listening to the Spirit's sweet small voice within for guidance.
  8. RiverDays


    Hi Hope If we viewed this with a spiritual eye I believe it would look something like this... waterfront - a place to draw life and nourish from. Can also mean changes. underground parking lot - a temporary area where things not so easily seen to the public or average person can be...
  9. RiverDays

    impolite camel

    Hi E.Girl I believe this dream reveals your walk through life. Smoke inside is not having a clear view. Going outside is the desire to get out of that "fog" for a clearer understanding. Bathrooms often times reveal the desire for spiritual cleanliness. Signify repentance, the desire to...
  10. RiverDays

    Space Ship

    Wonderful insight MP!
  11. RiverDays

    disturbing dream, but is it from God?

    Hi MercyFM Was there more to this dream? Wait to worry... Since dreams are normally symbolic this may be referring to an activity or belief shared with others in the church, and not meant in a demonic way. If this is something of a more serious nature just pray and God will reveal to you what...
  12. RiverDays

    Should i tell my dream to my pastor?

    Well put Eyesee :amen:
  13. RiverDays

    Nightmares/ sleep paralysis

    Yes, I so agree with C.Kate. We've seen so many miracles, blessings and bondages fall away through our church's prayer meetings too, all because a handful of mature Christians selflessly gave some of their time :groupray:
  14. RiverDays

    Nightmares/ sleep paralysis

    Thank you CKate. I'm so happy you agree :)
  15. RiverDays

    Nightmares/ sleep paralysis

    lol Glorify. I'm so happy to hear that the Lord threw you a curve to get an answer! Isn't that just like Him :) :thumbsup: