Recent content by Rechtgläubig

  1. Rechtgläubig

    The Pope is the antichrist: useful or useless, true or false?

    I was about to write up a response, but what is the point. I am not wasting my time, we already have a thread trashing God's Word and one on homosexual clergy, this is just one more wad of paper in the trash can for some of you and anything I write will not change a single thing. I am out...
  2. Rechtgläubig

    21st Century Reformation

    He is still excommunicated and his beliefs are still anathema, don't see how it would be any different. Well, after 500 years he might be a little more crankier I guess. :P
  3. Rechtgläubig


    Who said I like monasteries??? :D
  4. Rechtgläubig

    Luther on Islam

    Kalevalatar, I believe the original post was asking for thoughts about a secular government's duty to protect its citizens, not actual actions taken by the Church or individual Christians. At least that is how I understood him. :sorry:
  5. Rechtgläubig

    The Pope is the antichrist: useful or useless, true or false?

    Yes it was. This is why I was shocked that Bachmann said she didn't know about it. I not only had it in my BIC, but have resources from other BIClasses and it is in those as well. I am not sure what you mean by "place". We talked about it when we covered Justification and also Eschatology...
  6. Rechtgläubig

    looking for good lutheran videos

    Hello lutherangerman, I hope this helps: Sermons Audio-Video
  7. Rechtgläubig

    church impressions

    I prefer it too. I say "catholic" even though everyone says "Christian". I don't care. That's how I roll.
  8. Rechtgläubig

    Question Regarding Mother's Salvation

    LOCO, Wow I thought it was bad enough you guys replaced Christ, but now the Holy Spirit too??? mtlhusky, you are correct and your mother is wrong. You aren't going to get through to her, that is the Holy Spirit's work. You just continue to preach the Gospel to her lovingly and let God worry...
  9. Rechtgläubig

    Why Lutheran?

    I was baptized as an infant in the Roman Catholic Church, raised mormon. I am Lutheran because I realized that salvation does not depend on completing my checklist of good deeds. Because my Faith does not rest on how tingly I feel inside. Because the Lutheran Church does not hide its...
  10. Rechtgläubig

    secular things

    Or that I train MMA. lol ^_^
  11. Rechtgläubig

    Conservative & Lutheran?

    As for bullet tumbling, what I said hasn't changed. You are sounding like this is some novel concept that makes what you call "assault rifles" [whatever that is] more dangerous then any other rifle. Designing bullets with a greater chance of tumbling goes back to WW1 bolt action rifles.
  12. Rechtgläubig

    Conservative & Lutheran?

    Any FMJ bullet with a tapered tip can [probably will] tumble. This is not something inherent in the spooky "assault rifles".
  13. Rechtgläubig

    Woman Pastors

    Me too, I will have to try harder! :D
  14. Rechtgläubig

    Persecuted Christians: Post Here!

    Isn't that what this is for? ELCA/ELCIC - Christian Forums