Recent content by randomman

  1. randomman

    Questioning of Islam

    arabs took you land !!! :sick: the muslims in egypt are more copts than the traitors christian copts ... their ancestors converted to islam 1400 years ago ... they are not arabs ... they 110% copts
  2. randomman

    Questioning of Islam

    nothing that we are not aware of ... these are all coptic allegations ... propaganda ... few cases generalized ... etc this man refutes and exposes the lies of copts .... he is a great muslim scholar .... arabic language and there are more on...
  3. randomman

    Jesus is the light of the world...

    Islam says the same thing .... but we disagree with christians on what "in image of" means
  4. randomman

    Can non-Christians be saved according to Bible?

    i would say that they evangelize not to save people, but to fulfill conditions for return of their God
  5. randomman

    What makes one religion better than another?

    we have the same thing in Islam. it is called "Ikhlas" or sincerety. for the deeds of muslim to be accepted, the muslim must be sincere to God. but it is part of human nature to expect something in return (after all that is what motivates us to do our jobs in this life). when a person is...
  6. randomman

    Bushmaster: Corruption

    :eek: wow ........ i never heard this before ... you call this logic :swoon: no wounder people are leaving christianity for islam
  7. randomman

    Bushmaster: Corruption

    :D ... star wars movie is much better than this
  8. randomman

    Love for our Muslim brothers and for Iraq in Mgr Rahhos Will

    :D what converts .... you are the only convert i know on this forum :tutu: to you
  9. randomman

    Why this hate for Islam?

    says a highschool dropout soldier to a masters student in advanced engineering ;)
  10. randomman

    Questioning of Islam

    actually i am trying to find some honest academic studies on copts ... i hear from egyptian muslims that copts are the most privileged minority in middle east. they own a good portion of egypt's entrepreneurship and enjoy civil and religious right like everyone else.... in fact, churches open 24...
  11. randomman

    What makes one religion better than another?

    :doh:i thought it was clear enough .... what if God created us and the world in such a way that science alone is not enough to know him .... :scratch: hence ... we use the word faith
  12. randomman

    Why this hate for Islam?

    :doh: and this "satan" has a tail and lives in hell and building an army of muslims to attack God :doh:
  13. randomman

    Love for our Muslim brothers and for Iraq in Mgr Rahhos Will

    i am keeping this attitude until expelled .... that is my way of leaving this forum for good ... too many bigots on this forum ... i dont want to disturb my peace by logging in and reading their bigotry :sick:
  14. randomman

    Love for our Muslim brothers and for Iraq in Mgr Rahhos Will

    lol ... i just love the icon ... it keeps going and going
  15. randomman

    Love for our Muslim brothers and for Iraq in Mgr Rahhos Will

    :swoon: the graceful rightous muslim defending justice ... i could care less :cool: :tutu: to you too