Recent content by Patrick_M

  1. Patrick_M

    Truth or tradition/pagan holidays

    I ddin't watch the video but this tripe as been around so long I can address the issues with out watching. First on Easter- the Greek and Latin words as well as most other languages is Pascha or something related. This is the same word used for the Jewish Passover. Next we look at the date- and...
  2. Patrick_M

    Why are so many protestants anti-Catholic and/or anti-Orthodox

    You really don't understand what we say about scripture nor how much we actually differ. We don't claim that one can not trust scripture as scripture was selected by the Church in the 4th century. Our claim is that scripture is part of a larger body of teaching which dates to the 1st century...
  3. Patrick_M

    Why are so many protestants anti-Catholic and/or anti-Orthodox

    The Catholic and Lutheran argument of transubstantiation vs consubstantiation is not one for the Orthodox as we hold the Eucharist is the body and blood of Christ but don't say how it is so
  4. Patrick_M

    Orthodox Christian and libertarian

    I will look
  5. Patrick_M

    Hello Everyone!

    Hi, thanks for the invite
  6. Patrick_M

    Orthodox Christian and libertarian

    Hi, I am an Orthddox Christian convert who used to be Anglican and I am a bit of a libertarian polticially I have been that way as long as i can remmeber