Recent content by openeyes

  1. openeyes

    Celebrating Christmas

    I haven't dropped off, I'm having some 'putr probs and it is difficult to search.
  2. openeyes

    Celebrating Christmas

    From Saturnalia From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Saturnalia was the feast at which the the Romans commemorated the dedication of the temple of the god Saturn which took place on 17 December. Over the years, it expanded to a whole week, up to 23...
  3. openeyes

    Celebrating Christmas

    Instead of hijacking another thread with the "to observe Christmas or not to observe" rhetoric. I'd like to see everyones opinion here. So how about it? If you don't celebrate Christmas, why? We do, we also understand the fact that Dec.25 was chosen to coincide with the pagan solstace...
  4. openeyes

    What do we know?

    No knowledge, but faith the table was there. Faith 1.Confident belief in the truth, value, or trustworthiness of a person, idea, or thing. 2.Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence. ( or c) There is no table, except the one you envision to be...
  5. openeyes

    who would you want to be

    What if it was someone that was the same size as you are? That wouldn't be so uncomfortable would it? HMMMM one person? My first thought would be someone powerful and rich, but upon pondering further...... Probably the poorest, homeless, and downtrodden, then when I got back to myself, no...
  6. openeyes

    what is the point of life

  7. openeyes

    what is the point of life

    Alot of people ask: "What's the point?" "What is MY purpose?" As we travel through life, sometimes seemingly aimless, we touch others, we affect thier lives as they affect ours no matter how minuscule. Every moment shapes us, changes us. If you need a point, there it is.... Positively affect...
  8. openeyes

    Was Jesus Married?

    hebrews 2:14-18 14 Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil; 15 And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime...
  9. openeyes

    what is the point of life

    Why does there have to be a point to it? Enjoy it. There's ups and downs, that's the excitement of it.... to see what's gonna happen next! As far as dieing at the end of it.... Rest assured, everyone does it. Dieing is the one thing that "EVERYBODY ELSE IS DOING". If your a believer in the...
  10. openeyes

    Compassion for life - the Christmas Tree

    We use artificial for the no mess condition, it's consistantly symetrical and the right height. I think the amount of trees replanted at a tree farm is dependant on demand, otherwise profits are ate up. The trees replanted after logging are in the neiborhood of 3:1.
  11. openeyes

    Compassion for life - the Christmas Tree

    Don't think of it as murder, think more along the lines of "culling" or thinning. This is what is done to larger herds of animals when they become a nuicance or endanger themselves. On tree farms, trees are grown for a specific purpose, just like cattle. P.S. We use an artificial tree here.
  12. openeyes

    Euthyphro's Dilemna -- modified

    Right, but more like we can't understand it. I tend to believe God is moral (imagine that), but I also think, sometimes in executing a sentence of judgement, morality is set aside. I don't think God said to "stone to death" those who take his name in vain, that is a punishment derived by...
  13. openeyes

    Euthyphro's Dilemna -- modified

    The problem with this entire,theory is.... standard by which morality is seen. Standards are, for the most part, nonexsistant. Whatever moral standards were left to us in the Bible are open to interpretation (save a few spelled out directly). To me, moral and just actions differ, example: I can...
  14. openeyes

    Chiaroscuro: The paradoxical nature of God

    'Good' is relative.... Any other Gods are not good, according to Christians. Other religions consider the Judeo-Christian god to be evil, even quoting passages to back up this argument (from Old testament). But yes, an 'all good god' would be out of balance. Hiatus was nice, blissful I created a...
  15. openeyes

    Chiaroscuro: The paradoxical nature of God

    Maybe we should look at this from a philosophical point of view. The opposites of 'good and evil' may pertain more to balance. Examine the quoted verse: Isaiah 45, "I am the Lord, there is no other. I form the light and create darkness, I bring prosperity and create disaster; I, the Lord, do...