Recent content by Nietzscheiswrong

  1. N

    Comparing Francis to...

    He's great. IF there ever was a Pope who would call a vatican III or reform the church that would be him.
  2. N

    The Religious Liberty to Support Same Sex Marriage...

    The church shouldn't violate itself in the name of science but embrace science even though its a gut punch to it. For example evolution. Which it has finally. It finally also is opening itself up to psychology and the neurosciences. When the CCC speaks of the requirements for mortal sin to be...
  3. N

    The Religious Liberty to Support Same Sex Marriage...

    Science can't disprove God. Infact science one day will if anything prove His existence. The fact of the matter is does someone have to clinch to moral norms instituted arbitrarily more than 3000 yrs ago when schytzophrenics, epileptics etc were considered to be possessed by the devil? With...
  4. N

    The Religious Liberty to Support Same Sex Marriage...

    From what I understand by the posts made here the reason is: - They can't marry because God says so (which is acting like a tv evangelist) and proved in Sodoma and Gomorra (which is folklore btw) - They will subvert the meaning of marriage as a sacrament (already done the wrench was tossed...
  5. N

    The Religious Liberty to Support Same Sex Marriage...

    I'll redress. What's the threat of ppl with SSA getting married in civil marriages? I don't get it. MArriage is a human construct anyway. It existed before christianity and exists for people who aren't christian and don't see it as a "covenant" between God and the man + woman. Is only...
  6. N

    The Religious Liberty to Support Same Sex Marriage...

    ok thanks for the advice but isn't it short for homosexuals? There was no flaming nor malice intended.
  7. N

    The Religious Liberty to Support Same Sex Marriage...

    What's the threat of homos getting married in civil marriages? I don't get it. MArriage is a human construct anyway. It existed before christianity and exists for people who aren't christian and don't see it as a "covenant" between God and the man + woman. Is only christian marriage a...
  8. N

    Muslim Convert leaves over Church's "weakness towards Islam"

    In order for the church to deal with Islam it first needs to deal with its own issues which are more pressing. First inside then it can look outside.
  9. N

    Muslim Convert leaves over Church's "weakness towards Islam"

    The 2nd part ur spot on. I don't think Islam is the dominant religion but apatheism (who cares about God) is.
  10. N

    Muslim Convert leaves over Church's "weakness towards Islam"

    He's afraid that Islam will spread across Europe and become the main religion. I don't think that's gonna be the case. Why would someone leave christianity (happening in Europe) because they feel threatened in their freedom of action and then become muslim with all the legalistic sharia laws it...
  11. N

    Pope Francis to consider closing Vatican bank

    Next thing you know he'll reunite orthodoxy and catholicism :blush::bow:
  12. N

    what am i suposta do?

    First of all the catholic church doesn't have a list of people in hell. Whereas it has a list of names that are in heaven - the Saints. I wouldn't be tearing myself apart for the "unsaved" that line of thinking is more from protestant fundamentalists. The catholic church doesn't have a list of...
  13. N

    Pope Francis' frequent references to the reality of the Devil have struck many...

    Moloch was a semitic God which was a "rival" of the abrahamitic one. The jewish scribes "demonised" the rival god just like they later demonised pharoah inventing the Egyptian plagues. The christian "devil" was depicted following greco-roman pagan gods like the ones shown. Dante's Inferno is...
  14. N

    Deep misconceptions about catholicism

    "Woman this is your son" "Son this is your mother" Jesus on the cross. Enough said.
  15. N

    Deep misconceptions about catholicism

    For everyone's info I didn't write this stuff. I came across it copied and pasted it! ^_^