Recent content by MomWhoThinks

  1. MomWhoThinks

    Gay support groups in the Church

    Everyone gets tempted to sin. Being tempted by homosexuality doesn't make one gay any more than being tempted to any other form of sexual sin makes you guilty of it. We don't arrest people for thinking about murder.
  2. MomWhoThinks

    Dog Food Company Announces Another Recall.

    This has not been a good year for dog food or cheap toys made in People's Republic of China (Most Favored Nation).
  3. MomWhoThinks

    Hypocrisy runs amuck

    Women can recover from childbirth, or rape, or incest. It may even be possible that women can recover from the mental anguish of an abortion. The fetus never recovers though. There are no deadly fetuses and even if there were such a thing as something that made a women have to get an...
  4. MomWhoThinks

    funny question :P :P

    Since you are obviously protestant, let me ask; What is your scriptural basis for this viewpoint?
  5. MomWhoThinks

    Gay support groups in the Church

    I think the problem is a lot of churches, including Catholic churches, buy into the myth that we have "sexual orientation" and cannot control our sexual lusts. So sad when they Holy Church jumps on the world's bandwagon.
  6. MomWhoThinks

    Public Schools

    Our church's school costs about $3 grand per kid. The cost goes down the more children you have, I think with ours it would be about $2200 per child. Still way out of our price range for what we could afford so my kids attend public school. I didn't attend parochial school because me parents...
  7. MomWhoThinks

    Where the Catholics are going

    Me too! I cannot in good conscious post here any longer after witnessing what has happened since I joined. I would like to have discussion and debate with protestants, but I feel lead of the Spirit to leave this particular forum. Please e-mail me direct as I feel you are all my friends.
  8. MomWhoThinks

    Remove the stigma!

    While even many pro-life people feel abortion is acceptable in cases of rape or incest, how do we address those children whose mothers allowed these child their right to live? Do those of you who post here that these children should be aborted hold any ill towards the fetuses who are allowed to...
  9. MomWhoThinks

    Hypocrisy runs amuck The life of the mother issue is just a vagrant attempt to try to convince pro-life peoples that abortion is necessary. Some actually fall for it because we have been brainwashed into thinking that pregnancy is a disease and...
  10. MomWhoThinks

    Hypocrisy runs amuck

    Prochoice people often use the rape/life of the mother issue as justification, but it is not. While nothing can justify the destruction of an innocent human simply because they possess fewer cells then we adults, abortion does not fix the real problems of rape/incest and "life of the mother."...
  11. MomWhoThinks

    A Nightly Genocide

    On this topic, I had a pro-choice friend claim I was inconsistent because I accepted the eating of chicken embryos (referring to eggs). I pointed out that not only do we use grown adult chickens for food, but an egg is not an embryo. It is not fertilized. conception means the very beginning...
  12. MomWhoThinks

    Abortion deserves the death penalty

    Well, that's one way to end your child's life, but not preferred either. What if you found out your mother had been raped when she conceived you? Would you view her as weak for not choosing to end your existence, or would you be grateful she didn't abort you to make herself feel good? Women...
  13. MomWhoThinks

    Abortion deserves the death penalty

    Yes. I do not have a right to kill the violinist anymore than to kill my unborn child. To kill someone for using part of your body to survive is like a child demanding to play with a toy they don't want just because someone else is playing with it. Selfish and immature. More vile to kill...
  14. MomWhoThinks


    They're all pagans. Except the praying mantis.
  15. MomWhoThinks


    Yeah, but nothing is said of what to do next. Only a fool would accept another beating. turn the other cheek.... then duck and block. That is, if you have no weapon handy. ^_^ The reason for two swords, is because man has two hands.