Recent content by lost traveler

  1. L

    What does the Bible say about hypnosis?

    Hello, May I humbly ask if what does the bible say about hypnosis, is it a sin or unfavorable to the Lord? I m under attack by a group of people that can read my mind. My family says its something else (a sickness) but I know in my heart that its not and my problems has an unnatural nature...
  2. L

    Baptism of Holy Spirit

    I m happy for you. God is truly just as He would allow such moments like you described to come to you and given rest. Be at peace in His love.
  3. L

    What Does the Bible Say About Mind Reading and Telepathy?

    Thank you everybody for your replies. At first that's what I thought as well, "who are these people?" such things only exist in fiction novels, TV and movies. But later on it gets worst. Had this over a year now. Been to psychologist, psychiatrists, priests, and yes even to traditional...
  4. L

    What Does the Bible Say About Mind Reading and Telepathy?

    Hello. What does that Bible say about mind reading and people with "powers"? Not powers like in the Government or influential people but powers like mind reading, telepathy, seeing or predicting the future. I m not claiming that I have powers but I think I m under attack by a group of...
  5. L

    I messed up

    Someone from our Church once said that, if you are just starting to read the Bible. "My advise to you is to start reading the New Testament first, because the times and customs from the Old Testament now differ from our own time". I did. And noticed that almost throughout the holy gospels...
  6. L

    demon dogs

    Never underestimate the power of prayer. Pray to Jesus for comfort. Concentrate, shut everything else that is around you and be with His presence alone and talk to Him for as long as its needed. He will understand you. Think of your husband that loves you very much. Help him, help you.
  7. L

    God talking in my head?

    I m not sure if pets can be reborn but I do know that the relationship and bond that you have with your pet can be eternal. Love still lives on even if our pets passed away. Take comfort that they lived a happy fulfilling life. You know that's true because they are under your care and you...
  8. L

    why i am never going to work again

    Whenever I m down I would just tell myself these; "You are not alone, there are about billions of people in the world out there that could be in the same situation as I m right now or worst and yet some still manage to pick themselves up. If they can do it so can I." "You are not alone, you...
  9. L

    Does God give special powers to people?

    Hello. May I humbly ask, does God give special powers to a person or a group of person to punish another person by allowing them to read their mind because they are sinful? Or is mind reading considered unnatural and evil? I m NOT a mind reader but I m under attack by a group of people that...
  10. L

    what is the nature or mind reading?

    Hello. I want to know if there is any mention in the Bible about mind reading, does God allow it or is it considered evil in general? Or does God give such abilities to a group of people powers, or authority to read a person's mind and exposed his thoughts. To torment him and make him suffer...