Recent content by kevin36

  1. K

    How many different types of story?

    Differant types of stories? Some say only one- character driven. If it isn't for the characters, the story, no matter how interesting everything else is, dies. That's usually true, but as with everything else there has to be an exception to the rule... What about The Sentinel...
  2. K

    Attacked for defending innocent Children??

    Okay. Maybe you use the term strictly in it's legal sense. What I was trying to get across is that while the current legal definition of murder, as it stands in this country at this point in time, says that it isn't murder to kill an unborn, that the definition is not correct, and that...
  3. K

    Attacked for defending innocent Children??

    That's an... interesting point of view. The unborn may be within her body, and a part of her, but isn't it also a part of the father? He had something to do with it to- asking this to question whether it is solely a part of her, and therefor hers to do with as she pleases. Since it contains...
  4. K

    "Who Wrote the Bible?"

    You're right. If I remember correctly the captivity was punnishment by God, so that was something that He orchastrated. The anger expressed is certainly that of the Israelites, because of their own sinful nature, but that doesn't preclude that God was the author of the book- He can still...
  5. K

    "Who Wrote the Bible?"

    Sarcasm unnecessary, but thanks anyway. I have my own.:wave: If I were to be writing a narrative, I think I would also show the emotional state of anybody who had been through something so horrific. It aids the reader in his/her understanding. If it was all warm and fuzzy and nice, you'd have...
  6. K

    Attacked for defending innocent Children??

    But isn't that objectifying the unborn in the same way that women argue that they are objectified? I guess I've never understood the view that as long as it's inside the woman's body a child is her's to do with as she will, and never considered a seperate being until after it is born. It's...
  7. K

    Attacked for defending innocent Children??

    I have. I call it killing a child. No, it doesn't. We can do this all day... So killing an unborn, undeveloped human being is reason? God help us if we take emotion out, and leave decision-making up to politicians (or lawyers, or anybody else who has their nose so deep into the legality...
  8. K

    Quote and whatever Game (Heaps bonus) (2)

    "Adam and Eve entered the world naked and unashamed---naked and pure-minded. And no descendant of theirs has ever entered it otherwise. All have entered it naked, unashamed, and clean in mind. They entered it modest. They had to acquire immodesty in the soiled mind, there was no other way to get...
  9. K

    Quote and whatever Game (Heaps bonus) (2)

    "If man was meant to be nude, he would have been born that way." - Oscar Wilde :)
  10. K

    A Sniper and a Soldier

    It certainly is an interesting question... Even speaking from a Christian point of view, a soldier taking another soldier's life on the battlefield is killing, but not inherently murder, and is not necessarily immoral. That isn't to say that some soldiers haven't acted immorally in the course...
  11. K

    Attacked for defending innocent Children??

    Let's see: "Abortion: 1- Induced termination of a pregnancy before the fetus is capable of survival as an individual. 2- A fatally premature expulsion of an embryo or fetus from the womb." "Induced" shows that it is a voluntary act, and "before the fetus is capable of survival" and "fatally"...
  12. K


    Hey, if you can't fix something with ducktape it can't be fixed... :D :D :D
  13. K

    "Who Wrote the Bible?"

    No, there doesn't. ;) Simply because there are other speakers within Scripture does not mean that God was not the author. Any author can quote another person, or write from the perspective of a group that he understands. As an indwelling Spirit, God also has the unique ability of writing...
  14. K

    "Who Wrote the Bible?"

    "Who wrote the Bible?" That could be the shortest book in history. All you need to answer the question is one word... God.
  15. K

    What is the Worst Book You Ever Read?

    Every movie novelization (did I spell that right... :scratch: ) that I have read was good only for starting a nice warm fire or leveling a table or something. You'd think that after one or two I'd learn, but I bought another recently (5th one...?), and... :doh: no, it wasn't any better...