
Hi, I am 53 years young and have been a Christian for around 24 years. Each year the Lord gently teaches me more of what I don't know. I have 3 wonderful children, Michelle, Jennifer, and Michael. These three are my treasures, Michelle are my dreams, Jennifer is my sunshine and laughter, and Michael is my joy and belief in the future. They have my heart always, when I was going through some hard times, these children are what kept me grounded, they saved me. I have now been blessed with two grandsons, Corban and Andrew. These two boys have made my life complete and I thank God everyday for allowing me to share in the lives of these 5 special people. I am married to a wonderful, but sometimes frustrating man. We were married when I was 21, then divorced when I was 39, then I went and married the same man again when I was 50. Boy, the Lord does work in mysterious ways. I am a forgiven, loved, saved Christian woman and I am happy.

I enjoy reading,cooking, and shopping.

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We must quit telling God how big our storm is instead, let us tell the storm how big our God is.

