Recent content by Holoman

  1. Holoman

    Prayer request for me

    Hello everyone Please can people pray for me. I'm going through a terrible period at the moment. I've suffered with anxiety for many years and it has become very bad again. My marriage is going through a very difficult period and I'm unsure if we can save it, I'm struggling to focus at work and...
  2. Holoman

    In what context is Exodus 21:20-21 good?

    Lots of things are permitted by the laws of a state yet are immoral. You are legally allowed to cheat on your wife, yet it's a deplorable thing to do. These are the laws of the State of Israel, which haven't applied to Christians for 2,000 years, and were declared to be imperfect due to the...
  3. Holoman

    Prayers for me please

    Hi Asking you kindly to pray for me. I'm going through a really tough time at the moment with anxiety and depression and it is taking all my energy. Any supportive Bible quotes for one worrying would also be much appreciated. Thanks
  4. Holoman

    Is wanting to be rich a sin?

    I'm quite interested in this topic and have given it a lot of thought because I think this is something that affects me most. For all my younger life, all I wanted was to be rich. When people asked me what job I wanted to do, I said whatever pays the best. After some thought, I think what I...
  5. Holoman

    Ayn Rand and the "kindergarten of communism"

    Same could be said of atheism.
  6. Holoman

    Should we deny the poor.......

    I'd agree that you cannot force an addict to stop. That is why it is not a purely medical problem. When addicts are not willing to stop and refuse to stop committing crimes to fund their habit, then I see no problem with locking them up. Again, I'd agree with you that beating addiction begins...
  7. Holoman

    I made promises to God while being insane that i cant follow :(

    If I were you, I would try the medication. Why live like this if there is something that can help? I'm on medication for mental health problems and have been on a countless number of medicines over the years. When you find something that helps, it is like a Godsend. You can finally think...
  8. Holoman

    On the sinfulness of the LGBT path.

    The act of getting married is morally neutral as I see it. I don't think same sex marriage is possible as anything other as a legal recognition. It's not a real marriage in the eyes of God. Who knows if there even is a reason. It would seem to be one of natures aberrations, like being born...
  9. Holoman

    On the sinfulness of the LGBT path.

    What do you mean, an LGBT lifestyle? If you mean engaging in homosexual sex, then yes I do. I suppose moral intuition. As a Catholic I believe in Natural law and that we all have an innate ability to perceive right and wrong. But on issues such as this it can be difficult. I think the Bible is...
  10. Holoman

    Where do you get your morals from?

    Here's the main problem in my opinion. I don't know how anyone can argue that humans have co-operated with neighbours throughout history when there is overwhelming evidence of the exact opposite. Neighbours have been at war and killing each other throughout history, in fact, many groups of...
  11. Holoman

    Islam and Christianity are the exact opposite

    I'm not sure you can say Islam is a religion of peace when its founding prophet, Muhammed, was a warlord that conquered a lot of the middle east and forced people to convert by the sword. Jesus is the complete opposite. Even his harshest critics could never accuse him of being a warmongerer.
  12. Holoman

    Should atheists believe in the God of christianity if...

    Its quite simple to choose not to believe God exists. I did it for years. I just didn't think about him, didn't pray, did whatever I wanted. I barely thought about him at all. I was just skeptical about everything I heard. I'm sure if you ask most people they barely even think about God. At a...
  13. Holoman


    Oh, so you follow all the laws of Leviticus and Deuteronomy? So how many people have you stoned to death as you are commanded to? You don't eat pork I guess right? I could go on..
  14. Holoman

    Special Attention to All Born-Again Christians

    Maybe I have a looser view on the Bible than some, but I don't hold it to this sort of standard. The Bible's purpose is not to teach the law, because we Catholics believe in natural law, which means that it is evident to everyone, even without the Bible. It's purpose is to teach of salvation...
  15. Holoman

    Confused feelings about Christianity

    Hello there I can relate to a lot of what you are going through, and let me tell you, you are not alone. I was diagnosed with Generalised Anxiety Disorder around 6 years ago and my brain operates in a very similar way to yours. It will not stop over-analysing everything! Once it gets hooked on...