Recent content by Hillel1985

  1. H

    Shalom aleykhem! :)

    I agree with you. That is one of the things that drew me to Judaism...There was not a "hell" concept like there is in other religions. In fact most in my movement would be skeptical about both "Heaven" and "Hell" as they are known today, as the scriptures don't really talk about them. Also, I...
  2. H

    Shalom aleykhem! :)

    I don't think it's a matter of missing the point...The thing is though, that 13 million Jews across the world do not see Jesus as any of these three things. I think that is the point we are trying to make. From a Christian perspective, Jesus may equal this. From our perspective, he does not.
  3. H

    Shalom aleykhem! :)

    No! I wouldn't go to hell! We don't particularly believe in a hell. Reform is very diverse about afterlife beliefs as there is no official statement (even about Olam Haba). But, hell is usually not part of any of those beliefs. Ummm...And I will not become Muslim...I have nothing against...
  4. H

    Shalom aleykhem! :)

    Raze, LoAmmi, is right...Judaism is God, Torah, Israel...Not Jesus. Across Jewish Traditions and streams of thought these three remain central.
  5. H

    Charlie Fuqua, Arkansas Legislative Candidate, Endorses Death Penalty For Rebellious

    That is soooo not funny! Don't even joke like that! LOL :)
  6. H

    Shalom aleykhem! :)

    I agree. I never understood the need to "return" to some perceived "primitive" Christianity. I think you are right. Christianity and Judaism are two separate religions (Depending on how you look at it, they may be perceived as more than two given denominational characteristics and movement...
  7. H

    Charlie Fuqua, Arkansas Legislative Candidate, Endorses Death Penalty For Rebellious

    Yeah, it wouldn't really speak well about them. Would it?
  8. H

    Shalom aleykhem! :)

    Wait...Were y'all talking about Reform or Messianic? (Confused)
  9. H

    Shalom aleykhem! :)

    LOL...I will admit that our prayer book does take some liberties with English translation of the Hebrew. Even Rabbi admits this...This is why we don't usually use the English translations....That and our shul is so small that it is affiliated with both Reform and Conservative movements. In...
  10. H

    'allah' Blessed Israel More Than Other People

    V'imru amein! Something we always pray for... Oseh shalom bimromav, hu ya'aseh shalom aleinu ve al kol yisrael, v'imru, v'imru amein. (Translation...for those who don't know) May the one who grants peace, give peace to us all and all of Israel, and let us say, and let us say "amen."
  11. H

    I don't know what I am.

    The problem with free will and determinism not being mutually exclusive, is that Christianity, especially the Protestestant Traditions, argue that God not only foreknows everything, but also DETERMINES everything from before time. There can be no free will or moral responsibility in this case...
  12. H

    What Christians really think about hell and Judgment

    I think that the answer to this question is going to vary depending on the movement of Judaism. In Reform, we don't necessarily see a fixation on Israel so to speak. All people have access to God, nor do we necessarily denigrate any other religious tradition. We don't speak of being "chosen"...
  13. H

    Shalom aleykhem! :)

    That is one of the concepts that drew me to Judaism. Tikkun Olam allows us to partner with God in building a better world. I have always loved what D'varim (Deutoronomy) says..."Justice, Justice shall you pursue."
  14. H

    Shalom aleykhem! :)

    Yes, Reform, like all branches of Judaism, does not recognize Jesus as messiah. Messianics do, in one form or another.
  15. H

    Shalom aleykhem! :)

    Like LoAmmi said, it takes about a year (I'm about 5 months in) so that one can experience Jewish life, holidays, learn, grow, and really gain a sense of Jewishness as one incorporates more and more Jewish life into one's own life. I will probably, in conjunction with my rabbi, actually take...