Recent content by Gregory Eugene

  1. Gregory Eugene

    Is reading Twlight a sin?

    I like the twilight books and from what my wife says there are some good moral lessons in there.
  2. Gregory Eugene

    Introduce yourself if you are new to the Seventh-day Adventists section of CF.

    Hello, I'm new to the whole idea of 7DA and the first few things I heard we bad but it was from a relatively hostile source so I was looking for some of the general doctrine to make up my own mind.
  3. Gregory Eugene

    Tolerance v. Acceptance - Does one lead to the other?

    That sounds like a very manipulative reason for your views on justice, not to be judgemental myself, I was just hoping you would explain
  4. Gregory Eugene

    Tolerance v. Acceptance - Does one lead to the other?

    I think you may be making too big of an assumption by stating that tolerance of the sinner led to the acceptance of the sin. Johnny Cash is a great life to look to because we have public record of his entire Christian walk, from salvation to drugs to adultery, from adultery the cross and...
  5. Gregory Eugene

    Hop (2011)

    Hop had a playboy reference that wasn't horrible but I felt like me and my kids we tricked into it. If I knew The main character was gong to refer to him as sexy and the playboy mansion as a place for sexy people to go then I would have stayed home. It's not that I think you're a bad parent...
  6. Gregory Eugene

    The Suspended Stove

    That's priceless!
  7. Gregory Eugene

    Chill out haters

    This was a double post by mistake
  8. Gregory Eugene

    Chill out haters

    Right because God believes everyone who pays their pastor is a Godless heathen... Ask the people moving in the spirit... Or wait maybe the people with the spirit are the ones who believe if you wear a tie it's because your judging their tattoos... I believe in the sword of the Spirit so here...
  9. Gregory Eugene

    Chill out haters

    I hear lots of judgement against pastors and churches in this thread, I want to address math with you for a moment. There are 52 weeks in a year assuming you attend a different church every week your getting a poor view of each church assuming you attend churches in 10 week increments than...
  10. Gregory Eugene

    Fill in the Blank - I was ____________ But God ___________

    I was unsure and afraid but God held my hands and said open your eyes I'm right here
  11. Gregory Eugene

    Paid preachers

    most pastors are more than deserving of their pay. I make websites for businesses and many times I have to put the work second to make way for my day job. The last thing I want is my pastor having a hard time doing the research, devotions and organizing required to put together a quality...
  12. Gregory Eugene

    Is the home church movement growing in your area?

    I live in south east MI and right down the street there is a sign that reads meet here to worship with a day and time
  13. Gregory Eugene

    Anyone follow Harold Camping?

    I'm always interested to hear when people choose a style of worship and then start preaching that it's the only way
  14. Gregory Eugene

    Biblical Literalism Taken To The Extreme.......

    HA HA ofcourse there's no water in the sky you flat-earth people. If there was water in the sky wouldn't it eventually fall! who ever heard of water falling out of the sky! (anyone who can't find the sarcasm, please read twice)
  15. Gregory Eugene


    do it again...