Recent content by dbldee

  1. D

    Does God/Jesus speak to us via dreams?

    It seems normal for humans to be concerned or worried about circumstances. There are several bible verses that refer to this Mathew 6:25 -34 says that we should not worry, also Philippians 4: 6. Circumstances may seem hopeless, but put your trust in God. He always responds. It may be in a...
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    I'm struggling with my Christian faith

    I know in the U.S. there is supposed to be a separation of church and state, however, given the current climate in the country, being apolitical can be difficult, but I think the following statement is appropriate. MAY GOD HELP THE USA
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    Can you be a Christian and reject certain parts of the Bible?

    There are multiples of parts of the Bile that can be rejected. Remember that times change and so do people. In context, there are stories of violence and wars, slavery, infidelity .. As Christians were are not supposed to embrace these
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    Praying, repetitiveness, concentration

    1 Thesalonians 15-18 ....pray without ceasing. It implies being continuous or consistent, and it matters not if it is repetitive. What may matter more, is there is no emotion or meaning which often happens when focus is lost. In these situations, which is not abnormal, I bring myself back as...
  5. D

    9 dead in Charlestown mass shooting at Church.

    If there is a way that this can be kept in context.. The question of race, politics, terrorism is secondary The bigger picture is that this is a deranged individual, who should not own a firearm. I am not in the medical or social profession, but do normally sane people think along the same...