Recent content by chunsagirl01

  1. C

    *snuggly Warm Fuzzies*

    My little weiner dog he he
  2. C

    Finish the sentence

    is that a quaker. Last night I ran..............
  3. C

    What did you have for dinner tonight? (3)

    Well me I had some grubish Wendys BOI lol. the best dinner on the run:D
  4. C

    The Official "Just say Moo" thread. (2)

  5. C

    Which one first? eyeshadow or mascara? gurl in need please read

    put on your mascara then your eye shadow you might want to try to use a mascara that has a smaller brush. the bigger brushes tend to get mascara all over the place
  6. C

    Chapped lips.

    I use vaseline. its great it makes your lips soft and you wouldnt want to bite your lips n e more because it doesnt taste good!lol;)
  7. C

    natural brow or thin line arch

    I pluck mine myself the whole arch thing is hard to do but once you get them done professionaly you should just pluck the strays so that they stay neat.
  8. C

    My fear

    my fear is sharks man booo
  9. C

    The Best Thing about Colorado

    The best thing i like about colorado is the diversity. So many things to do not just for a specific type of person.
  10. C

    Salsa Dancing

    I mean if your worried about twhat other people say and like that type of music theres an alternative
  11. C

    Salsa Dancing

    I am mixed with hispanic as well you should try marengae its a little less sexual salsa was created just for that reason salsa is a very sexual type of dancing.
  12. C


    welcome to cf
  13. C

    Hey there people

    welcome to cf
  14. C

    hello there from Aussie Land

    welcome to cf