Recent content by cherryblossom03

  1. cherryblossom03

    Changing Last Names

    No, it doesn't feel different, I just always thought if you kept your maiden name you were supposed to hyphen it.
  2. cherryblossom03

    Changing Last Names

    When I married dh, I kept my maiden name, but also took his last name. Officially on paperwork I am cherryblossom maiden-married, but when being introduced to people I am cherryblossom married. I don't make dh use my maiden and married name. When we were engaged, I asked him if it would bother...
  3. cherryblossom03

    I have a facebook

    Yay! Facebook is fun!
  4. cherryblossom03

    If You're Interested in Being My Friend on Facebook...

    Do it, do it, do it! They don't have forums like CF, but you have they call a "wall" and people can leave messages on the wall. You can also send private messages. They have groups you can join. I joined a Sims group, a child free group, and one other, I'll have to check. You can post pictures...
  5. cherryblossom03

    I think I'm in a rut.

    Thanks for all the advice and hugs :). Dh and I went out to dinner tonight and talked. It was a good thing. We were in the car and I asked him if I thought our marriage was in a rut and he said he wishes we weren't, but thinks we are. I think that had a lot to do with how I'm feeling. A lot of...
  6. cherryblossom03

    I think I'm in a rut.

    Yeah, like the title says, I think I'm in a rut. I don't know what's wrong. The last few weeks it's like nothing makes me happy anymore. I can't find a job, so I'm stuck at home, there's only so much I can clean and grocery shop. I feel like I'm contributing NOTHING. Dh and I were supposed to go...
  7. cherryblossom03

    Whats the right way to answer this?

    This is kind of harsh and some people have seemed to get really insulted, BUT, whenever I have gotten that question I have always said "No, they're cute, but still don't want any of my own." I have always been polite in the way I say it, but honesty is the best policy.
  8. cherryblossom03

    Husband who doesn't want anymore kids

    I was wondering that too. What if it's God's will for their life that they NOT have anymore children? Why is the person who doesn't want anymore children always the one "ouside" of God's will? What if the person who does want more children isn't listening to what God is telling them?
  9. cherryblossom03

    The first year of marriage - what is/was it like for you?

    Has the beginning of your marriage been rocky, have you argued a lot, or has it been all romance and roses? The beginning was very hard for us. He was deployed about 8 months for the first year of our marriage and the separation really didn't help the adjustment at all. I had to learn to do...
  10. cherryblossom03


    The cat with the boots on is really funny. Dh and I both had a good laugh about that. My cats would probably go ninja on my butt if I tried to do that, lol.
  11. cherryblossom03

    If You're Interested in Being My Friend on Facebook...

    I have you on my facebook :).
  12. cherryblossom03

    If You're Interested in Being My Friend on Facebook...

    Facebook helps you connect and share with the people in your life. I love it because I've been able to catch up with old friends from high school that I haven't talked to in about 10 years. :) If anyone wants to add me, you can look me up under my email.
  13. cherryblossom03

    trying to stay in touch with friends w/ kids

    I am down with this.
  14. cherryblossom03

    trying to stay in touch with friends w/ kids

    I call the house with the biggest closet ^_^.
  15. cherryblossom03

    trying to stay in touch with friends w/ kids

    :( I'm sorry, that sucks. We would've helped if we lived closer.