Recent content by an oddity

  1. an oddity

    Word to Sarah

    Signs of the Times 14 April 2013 | Isaiah 40: 3-5 Word to Sarah I asked Yeshua, what just happened?? He spoke to me very clearly and directly and He looked Me straight in the eye and said: “My daughter, when the trumpet strikes 12 there will not be time to warn My messengers and prophets for...
  2. an oddity

    One World Freedom Tower Exposed

    Published on May 24, 2013 Apollyon from Revelation 9:11 has officially been 'crowned' now that the One World Freedom Tower has received it's Islamic Minaret at it's peak. Now 2 of the 3 tallest structures in the world are Islamic Mosques...
  3. an oddity

    USA will fall

    As the vision spread before my eyes and I viewed the widespread desolation brought about by the terrific explosions, I could not help thinking, While the defenders of our nation have quibbled over what means of defense to use and neglected the only true means of defense faith and dependence...
  4. an oddity

    Hazen/New Wineskins

    What this nation (including much of the ‘church’) has forgotten is the terrifying fact that none of us are innocent before a perfectly Holy and Righteous God. We are rebels and traitors, every one of us, unable to reconcile ourselves back through the curtain. Until we recognize that fact and...
  5. an oddity

    Dreams of our future

    A couple months ago I was told by a contact about some dreams a lady was having and I began following them. I was very blessed in reading them and continue to be. These dreams are about our soon exit resurrection and getting ready for it! THE PATH - Sparrow's Dreams I thru XXXIII
  6. an oddity

    The 7000 year plan of God

    The 7000 year plan of God - YouTube
  7. an oddity

    The Wedding Day Approaches

    Published on May 5, 2013 The long wait is OVER!!! People get ready, Jesus is coming, soon we'll be going home!!!! We are waiting for You Jesus, longing for You!!! We want to be with You!!!! Come, take us away with You!!! Our one-year engagement is OVER and...
  8. an oddity

    's Blog

  9. an oddity

    An updte on dreams of things to come!

    SparrowCloud9 Blog This site is being updated to make it easier to find everything. In this latest dream Jesus offers her a gift!
  10. an oddity

    Some end time dreams This lady has had a whole series of dreams about the end times, and the latest one indicates our time here is short.
  11. an oddity

    What does faith mean?

    Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. How do you get faith? Romans 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
  12. an oddity

    Firearms ownership

    I like this guys attitude Marine to Gun-grabber Di Feinstein: 'No Ma'am'
  13. an oddity

    Uganda next Priest Nation to God?

    Is it possible that some men are active in both hetero/homo sex, thereby spreading HIV?
  14. an oddity

    2/3's of Britain's Millionaires leave to avoid tax

    It isn't the earners who are the problem, it is those in power who steadily want to spend more money than they now have, so they take what is yours and give it to others who do not know how to make money.
  15. an oddity

    Uganda next Priest Nation to God?

    Things are never what they seem, are they?