Recent content by AmericanPrincess

  1. A

    I feel so down...

    I pray that the lord lift your depression as I am a bi polar hyper manic and also tend to get depressed.... I pray that he give you joy and energy and light to guide you and that you get a job we are all going through some kind of finacial problems....may you be happy and may you find...
  2. A

    I need a sign...

    I pray in the name of Jesus that The Lord will put what ever it is that you may need in your path and that you may pick it up and do his will.. I pray that you get that sign from our lord and that you be content with what ever it is he gives to you ....In Jesus Name amen
  3. A

    I am going through alot right now...

    I am going through a separation, My husband has custody of my son...I just want to be friends with my husband because as a couple it is not going to work out...and i would like for him to share our son with me and want joint custody.... He wants me to come back to him but I dont want to .. I...
  4. A

    Flash!BrotherInLaw!Just suffered a heartattack need prayer!!

    My brother in law just suffered a heart attack about an hour ago... and they did a trichiotimy to try to save him...the doctor said he may not make it but I believe in miracles and I believe my brother in law will make it through this and be a testimony... Please pray for him his name is...
  5. Our son Dennis this November of 09

    Our son Dennis this November of 09

  6. Lil Dennis on the computer...

    Lil Dennis on the computer...

  7. Our Little man was Buzz Lightyear for Halloween :)

    Our Little man was Buzz Lightyear for Halloween :)

  8. A

    A Prayer for employment for me.

    I have been on unemployment recently and I know its not going to last that long and I was working as a receptionist for 15.00 an hour but got laid off.. its really hard to find the same kind of job for the same amount of pay as of lately.... I pray that I can afford to get a job that will help...
  9. A

    A Prayer request for my cousins....

    I have two cousins ... One asked the other for a loan and got it. The cousin that loaned out the money did it through a bank loan... and made a verbal agreement with the other cousin to make payments once a month. The cousin that borrowed the money made two payments and stopped making them...
  10. A

    Prayer for a Job

    I have an update!!! Thankyou for your prayers!! i got a call from a law office that is in need of a receptionist/calendaring manager...i dont know how to calendar but am willing to learn!! please pray that the lord gives me this job... i have always wanted to work in the law field!! this would...
  11. A

    Prayer for a Job

    I have been a stay at home mom since last ready to go back to work..... and put our son into daycare,..... the lord knows my needs and the kind of job i need....please pray for me that i may find the perfect job in his time, in his choice.... amen:amen:
  12. A

    A Prayer for Me and my son

    It means alot to me and I have claimed freedom from my husband IN JESUS NAME>....... He is the only way... cause my way is the highway but I have to do my foot work and excell to have victory over the enemy.. .. thankyou all from the bottom of my heart....:amen:
  13. A

    A Prayer for Me and my son

    I just want to ask for prayer for my son and I. I left my husband Dec 16th. a week later he filed a pettition for legal separation and temporary custody of our son... I filed a Domestic Violence Restraining order and a hearing. I left Los Angeles and went to Sacramento County to live with my...
  14. A

    i got layed off at work...

    Please pray for me that I will find a new job..i got layed off 2 days ago.. christmas is coming and im really really down. sigh:confused:
  15. me at glasses

    me at glasses