
I was brought up a Christian but always struggled to understand exactly why people believe. I accept that Jesus existed and had some outstanding attributes but also some highly questionable ones. I can not understand why anyone thinks He is God the Son nor, in particular, why anyone believes in a 'Holy Trinity' which is obviously a man-made construct and nothing to do with the words of Jesus nor any disciple.

I cannot understand why people think that The Bible is the inspired word of God when it contains so many contradictions and errors and why those same people interpret a phrase one way in one part and in a completely different way in other parts. I do not understand why people think that God Almighty is a loving, caring god when so many awful events are reported in The Bible to be done by or prompted by God and when so many awful things happen in the world which were 'acts of God' or as a result of something 'created' by God. For example: Insects with a life-cycle 'designed' to eat children's eyeballs from the inside.

I have spent half my life on the fringes of Christianity but have never really felt part of it. Sometimes I feel it would be good to belong to the Christian community

Music, Philosophy, Engineering

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