If "God is love", what about God's more violent actions?


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So you're saying God acted like a human king just to prove a point? The fact is that God commanded some of these genocides to show his power that he is God and not a human; why would God have to act like a human king? And in any case, God is God, couldn't he have sought a more peaceful way of doing things rather than a more tribal-human-like response of "killing even the innocents of another tribe to get rid of them"? That seems less like the actions of God claiming he loves all humanity and more like an Earth human war ruler.:scratch:

The old testament period was a time of harsh judgment. God met the vile behaviors and atrocities of those gentile nations with harsh judgment, as did he with Israel as well. And what good would it do to allow a human king if that king didn't do what human kings do (as you have rightly pointed out)?
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Dec 14, 2012
Columbus, Ohio
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(If this isn't the right place to post this, feel free to move it)

Given that Satan is supposed to be "the father of lies" and basically the incarnation of evil (even though he didn't do much in the Old Testament except Job, but I digress), t decided to look up on YouTube, out of curiosity, "did satan kill anyone" to see if anything showed up (seeing as Lucifer wasn't Satan if you read it in context and it's never said the serpent was Satan, just a snake that was one of God's creatures).

The first result that came up was "How Many Has God Killed?" And as I looked at the videos beneath it most of them were asking why God killed people, or didn't kill Satan, but none of them seem to talk about Satan killing people.

I found the video to be both eye-opening, a bit funny (much to my embarrassment to admit because of the video-game sound effects and playing a version of Somewhere Over the Rainbow in the middle) and a bit scary. Why? It shows (with each time citing the Bible verses, though I feel like with a few they could have included a couple verses back for sale of context as well) all the times that God killed someone when a specific number was mentioned, and in the middle a few times where God Himself said violent things, in contrast to John's "God is love" verse. What unnerves me (well, all of it unnerves me) most was that the only times Satan killed was in the book of Job, when God gave him permission.

Here's the video if you're curious:

Your thoughts on this?:|:scratch: I know that some will say, "Oh, his ways are not our ways", but it's also said "You shall know them by their fruits", though if you take those verses into account...

Well, here goes. I realize many of you will disagree but, that's okay. The lie/veil that has been pulled over mankind's eyes is very strong and very deep.

When man fell the Father promised a redeemer. He told Eve that ... Gen 3:15 And I will put enmity Between you and the woman, And between your seed and her seed; He shall bruise you on the head, And you shall bruise him on the heel."

From the moment of the fall until Messiah's birth one of the enemies greatest efforts was to PREVENT the coming of Messiah.

So, what about this Veil/Lie am I talking about? Its the sublet almost invisible lie many to most believers hold true almost on a subconscious level. And it has to do with Adam and Eve and their offspring. The lie is that they were "primitive" and were not particularly "evolved" The truth is in fact the exact opposite. Adam and Eve were Stunning physically, emotionally and intellectually.

Contrary to what some try to teach, that "angels" slept with women and that is where the Nephilim came from, it was the ungodly line descended from Cain that did this. Pre-flood man was highly advanced and began to manipulate DNA and created perversions G-d never intended to exist.

Think for a second perhaps one can understand G-d killing mankind for being evil (this argument is deeply flawed as well and I will show you why) but everything that had the breath of life? Why kill the animals though?????? Notice what G-d says..... that they were CORRUPT in their ways. Corrupt how? Mankind morally has NEVER improved. So its difficult to place just mans sin as the sole reason G-d was so grieved.... What was G-d unaware that man would continue to sin? Cant believe that as he is G-d. He knew fallen man needed a redeemer and had a plan for that to occur so WHY did G-d say he was so grieved that he wanted to destroy creation?! Because man has begun to corrupt his own DNA. It explains why it was JUST Noah, Noah's wife and his 3 sons along with their wives.

Interestingly, we see the Nephilim return after the flood, how is that possible????? Well, if the wives of the sons Noah's boys married had some tainted DNA, that is how.... We see shortly after the Flood the tower of Babel and what are they trying to do? Get back what they lost in the flood and it explains what G-d said... and why they had to be scattered and their language confused to STOP what they were trying to do...

That takes is to when Moses leads the children of Israel out of Egypt towards the promised land and it explains why Some cities were allowed to surrender, other the cities were sacked and the men killed and still others EVERYTHING that had life was killed and burned. It was ALL about cleansing the land and insuring that the corrupt DNA was completely removed.

A surgeon removes the cancer and cuts it all out for it he misses any it will spread through the body and kill it....G-d did the same
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Ken Behrens

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Sep 5, 2016
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That there in the first couple sentences is an example of so-called "tough love" (though hitting a 2 year old is something I don't like the idea of no matter what—why would one automatically assume a 2-year-old would go to jail 18 years in the future?). What's shown in the Bible as was shown in that video is far from an example of "tough love". To put it in that terminology, that's like the 2-year-old growing up, seeing people from other neighborhoods, and being ordered by his mother to kill everyone within the other neighborhoods, and he won't be punished but rewarded because his mother is the most powerful person in the city.

... There could be a dystopian story in the making there, now that I think about it...
I see by your profile you are single and Catholic. May I assume you have never raised a child? The 2 year old does not know language yet, and is not capable of logical processing. If he is not taught that he cannot tell his mother no (that nice new word he learned just yesterday), mothers are indeed often afraid of dystopian societies.

It is not tough love that God showed, but simply the only thing that the societies of the day understood. That is my point. Read Philo's works on how laws are chosen by the framers of cultures, or compare what God did to what Ba'al did, or any general of that day. God was most merciful by comparison, and there was purpose to His commands that completely escapes those of us who have matured far beyond what those societies thought.

Ancient people were in fact two year olds growing up, compared to those of us who have now all received the Holy Spirit. And it's not hard to see that anywhere on earth, where Jesus is not followed, society does tend to get a little dystopian.
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Disciple of Jesus
Jul 14, 2011
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Your thoughts on this?:|:scratch: I know that some will say, "Oh, his ways are not our ways", but it's also said "You shall know them by their fruits", though if you take those verses into account...

Actually most people seem to die, because God allows it, not just some ancient people in OT. I don’t think it is bad, if God kills, after all, He also gave the life, so there is nothing to complain, if He don’t allow it to last forever. I have no reason to demand eternal life from God and I have not yet seen anyone saying that he has done something why God must give the eternal life for him.

But still, God has promised eternal life for some:

These will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.
Mat. 25:46

And wage of sin will even today be death:

For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 6:23

I think it is good, if God doesn’t allow unrighteous people live forever, because I believe they would make life eternal suffering for all, if allowed to live.

But it makes me wonder, why there is no video in YouTube that shows how many lives Satan has given and how many lives God has given (all life, even his enemies lives).
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Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2016
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If you think what God has done in the past is horrible, please avoid reading revelations
That's going to be one hell of a blood bath, in fact blood bath is literal, blood up to the bridal of a horse (revelations)
Make no mistake God hates sin, God is a God of love and it's also common knowledge God is a God of justice as well
We know that sin deserves death, God deals in justice for sin
The bible does not hide that God is a God of justice, His justice is harsh by human standards no question.
So yes God is love, and God is just.
The punishment for sin is death, that's why Christ is so important
That's why so many have died, Gods justice

Interesting, wouldn't it be good if God was to smite ISIS, well wouldn't it?

This is basic christianity

I have read Revelation, FTI. Its text indicates that it was intended for the time, full of symbolism, and as a direct message to be taken by John to the leaders of the tribes at the time—their names are directly mentioned. Revelation seems like was meant to be fulfilled in the past, it's not something that seems like it's going to be fulfilled in the future.

WHY is death the punishment for sin? God can easily change things so there's no death, or no sin. If God created everything, then he's created sin, and to say so otherwise would mean that sin exists independent of God.

You mean apart from Eden, where his words doubt what God has said to Eve, preaching rebellion and promoting the fall of man into such a state of decay that God has to wipe out all but 8 of them in a flood?

Don't look to youtube videos for wisdom, as many are inspired by that same spirit of strife working still today.

It was never indicated in Genesis that the serpent was Satan, just a serpent who was "the craftiest of all the beasts of the field that God had made". According to Genesis, that's the reason that snakes don't have legs. If it was just Satan disguised as a snake, then the punishment wouldn't make sense if 1. it affects all snakes when Satan clearly wasn't a true snake, and 2. saying "upon your belly you will crawl, and dust you shall eat all the days of your life" if Satan could just as easily transform into a different form. It indicates that the serpent wasn't Satan, just a snake.

Maybe they should look to good teachers on YouTube, not the anti christian rhetoric they find so readily and easy to digest
And let's not forget, this simple stuff should be coming from ministers, most don't know the basics, find a good teaching church, go study

Point me to some good Youtube videos that then actually address the above points in a coherent and not-vague manner and I'll gladly watch them.

It is if one thinks that love must forgive and forget sin or that God must be nice to everyone and not hurt even a fly.

No, you're having it be a strawman argument—what I was saying does not mean "God must not hurt even a fly", just that "God does not command humans to kill and assault and enslave other humans to show one tribe is superior to another".

This post clearly demonstrates that you do not understand the nature and depth of human depravity. Do you not understand that Israel (and you I, for that matter) was just as deserving of these things as any other people group? In fact, do you understand that God would have been perfectly just in destroying Adam and Eve as soon as their rebellious lips touched the fruit? Do you realize that He could just as easily and justly destroyed Noah along with the rest of mankind. You see, you've got it all backwards. As I said, the amazing things is not that God destroys this group or that individual, the amazing thing is that he spared anyone, including you and me.

Tell me, in your opinion, is there anyone in all of Scripture who was destroyed and did not deserve it? Similarly, is there anyone in all of Scripture that God spared that did deserve it? Answer carefully, as your answer will reveal whether your view of human depravity matches Scripture's.

The fact is, there are no innocents. The fact that you ask the question, "Couldn't God have done something more peaceful instead of killing innocents," suggests that your view of human guilt is too low, or perhaps non-existent. Do you realize that the fact that you and I were allowed to live past the point of conception is not just more, but the exact opposite of what we deserve, right?

To consider something "amazing", it's something that goes against what would be expected. If God loves humanity, it would be expected for him to not demand that some humans kill other humans but keep the virgins (among other things), and would be considered "amazing" (in a bad way) if he did. The fact that it's "amazing" that he spares everyone gives off an air of "nothing should have been created because everything is bad", which isn't exactly "love".

I don't think that, at the very least, any of the virgin girls from Numbers 31 deserved to be captured and likely assaulted—if they were "so depraved and bad", why wouldn't God order them killed to? And I don't think those of the other tribes who weren't hurting anyone deserved it either. And for those God spared in Scripture, they deserved it as long as they didn't do heinous actions—and if they did, God could have easily changed their ways. If humanity is really so depraved, God could easily have just not created us. If he knew that a person was going to be bad, he could easily not have them be born.

Sure, humans do bad things at times, so do animals, but think on this—if something is done "by nature", it would be expected to crop up in every member of that species. For instance: dolphins swim by nature, lions eat meat by nature. One's nature is something fundamental to them. If human nature is really "a nature to do bad and terrible things", then almost every human in the world would be killing, assaulting, etc. and you'd be hard-pressed to find a single good charitable human. Is that the case? No, a good number of humans try to be as good as they possibly can, and a fair number aren't even believers.

If you think what God has done in the past is horrible, please avoid reading revelations
That's going to be one hell of a blood bath, in fact blood bath is literal, blood up to the bridal of a horse (revelations)
Make no mistake God hates sin, God is a God of love and it's also common knowledge God is a God of justice as well
We know that sin deserves death, God deals in justice for sin
The bible does not hide that God is a God of justice, His justice is harsh by human standards no question.
So yes God is love, and God is just.
The punishment for sin is death, that's why Christ is so important
That's why so many have died, Gods justice

Interesting, wouldn't it be good if God was to smite ISIS, well wouldn't it?

This is basic christianity

I have read Revelation, FTI. Its text indicates that it was intended for the time, full of symbolism, and as a direct message to be taken by John to the leaders of the tribes at the time—their names are directly mentioned. Revelation seems like was meant to be fulfilled in the past, it's not something that seems like it's going to be fulfilled in the future.

WHY is death the punishment for sin? God can easily change things so there's no death, or no sin. If God created everything, then he's created sin, and to say so otherwise would mean that sin exists independent of God.

You mean apart from Eden, where his words doubt what God has said to Eve, preaching rebellion and promoting the fall of man into such a state of decay that God has to wipe out all but 8 of them in a flood?

Don't look to youtube videos for wisdom, as many are inspired by that same spirit of strife working still today.

It was never indicated in Genesis, or in the Old Testament at all, that the serpent was Satan, just a serpent who was "the craftiest of all the beasts of the field that God had made". According to Genesis, that's the reason that snakes don't have legs. If it was just Satan disguised as a snake, then the punishment wouldn't make sense if 1. it affects all snakes when Satan clearly wasn't a true snake, and 2. saying "upon your belly you will crawl, and dust you shall eat all the days of your life" if Satan could just as easily transform into a different form. It indicates that the serpent wasn't Satan, just a snake.

Maybe they should look to good teachers on YouTube, not the anti christian rhetoric they find so readily and easy to digest
And let's not forget, this simple stuff should be coming from ministers, most don't know the basics, find a good teaching church, go study

Point me to some good Youtube videos that then actually address the above points in a concise coherent manner that doesn't just gloss over them and I'll watch them.

Every WORD of YHWH is PERFECT, restoring the soul (when TRUTH is known).
Who said humans are supposed to be closer to God ?
Yes, humans are baffled.
Well, actually, that's too 'nice' and polite.
Yes, in truth, humans are very sinful, evil and wicked, lacking any understanding of YHWH and not seeking HIM, being sons of disobedience bent on "kill, steal, and destroy".

What about the fact that God commanded some of the "kill, steal, and destroy" aspects?

"we" don't. Most all the world does not.
if you know YHWH is PERFECT,
you wouldn't question the way you do.
Remember no one is trained nor taught correctly on this earth, with very few exceptions.
We are raised in an evil wicked society,
just like the crowds before the flood, when no one sought GOD and no one was saved from the flood except NOAH and the 7 with him who got on the ark.
Remember - EVERYONE , everyone , everyone who got on the ark was saved.
Everyone, everyone, everyone who did not get on the ark was not saved.
No exception.
Everyone on earth was wicked and evil like Esau.
There heart was full of sin, opposed to GOD, and they
refused to turn to HIM to be saved.
Few exceptions.

That's the point I'm trying to make—how do we KNOW Scripture is perfect? There were many "Scriptures" going around that time, and if some of those had been accepted into the Bible we might have a completely different picture of what Scripture was. How can we know some things haven't been left out, or altered of what we do have? Heck, at some time in history people weren't even allowed to own Bibles, only those in power could.

The old testament period was a time of harsh judgment. God met the vile behaviors and atrocities of those gentile nations with harsh judgment, as did he with Israel as well. And what good would it do to allow a human king if that king didn't do what human kings do (as you have rightly pointed out)?

But it didn't have to be a time of harsh judgement. God could have very easily changed the minds of the people in the OT so they were more like those in the NT, or perfectly moral, and didn't want to kill people.

Well, here goes. I realize many of you will disagree but, that's okay. The lie/veil that has been pulled over mankind's eyes is very strong and very deep.

When man fell the Father promised a redeemer. He told Eve that ... Gen 3:15 And I will put enmity Between you and the woman, And between your seed and her seed; He shall bruise you on the head, And you shall bruise him on the heel."

From the moment of the fall until Messiah's birth one of the enemies greatest efforts was to PREVENT the coming of Messiah.

So, what about this Veil/Lie am I talking about? Its the sublet almost invisible lie many to most believers hold true almost on a subconscious level. And it has to do with Adam and Eve and their offspring. The lie is that they were "primitive" and were not particularly "evolved" The truth is in fact the exact opposite. Adam and Eve were Stunning physically, emotionally and intellectually.

Contrary to what some try to teach, that "angels" slept with women and that is where the Nephilim came from, it was the ungodly line descended from Cain that did this. Pre-flood man was highly advanced and began to manipulate DNA and created perversions G-d never intended to exist.

Think for a second perhaps one can understand G-d killing mankind for being evil (this argument is deeply flawed as well and I will show you why) but everything that had the breath of life? Why kill the animals though?????? Notice what G-d says..... that they were CORRUPT in their ways. Corrupt how? Mankind morally has NEVER improved.

We don't have slavery as widespread as in the old days. Maybe people are tolerant of others' religions and don't wipe them out because God orders them to. I'd say that we have improved morally as a whole since those days. There will always be some bad people, but in general, most don't act, well, like in the OT.

So its difficult to place just mans sin as the sole reason G-d was so grieved.... What was G-d unaware that man would continue to sin? Cant believe that as he is G-d. He knew fallen man needed a redeemer and had a plan for that to occur so WHY did G-d say he was so grieved that he wanted to destroy creation?! Because man has begun to corrupt his own DNA. It explains why it was JUST Noah, Noah's wife and his 3 sons along with their wives.

Interestingly, we see the Nephilim return after the flood, how is that possible????? Well, if the wives of the sons Noah's boys married had some tainted DNA, that is how.... We see shortly after the Flood the tower of Babel and what are they trying to do? Get back what they lost in the flood and it explains what G-d said... and why they had to be scattered and their language confused to STOP what they were trying to do...

That takes is to when Moses leads the children of Israel out of Egypt towards the promised land and it explains why Some cities were allowed to surrender, other the cities were sacked and the men killed and still others EVERYTHING that had life was killed and burned. It was ALL about cleansing the land and insuring that the corrupt DNA was completely removed.

A surgeon removes the cancer and cuts it all out for it he misses any it will spread through the body and kill it....G-d did the same

If life is a cancer, then why would God create the cancer in the first place? Or just eradicate everything and nor let Noah and his family live?



Define how, exactly, it's "perfect justice".

I see by your profile you are single and Catholic. May I assume you have never raised a child? The 2 year old does not know language yet, and is not capable of logical processing. If he is not taught that he cannot tell his mother no (that nice new word he learned just yesterday), mothers are indeed often afraid of dystopian societies.

It is not tough love that God showed, but simply the only thing that the societies of the day understood. That is my point. Read Philo's works on how laws are chosen by the framers of cultures, or compare what God did to what Ba'al did, or any general of that day. God was most merciful by comparison, and there was purpose to His commands that completely escapes those of us who have matured far beyond what those societies thought.

Ancient people were in fact two year olds growing up, compared to those of us who have now all received the Holy Spirit. And it's not hard to see that anywhere on earth, where Jesus is not followed, society does tend to get a little dystopian.

I see your point, and I haven't raised a child before. However, saying its "how the societies of the day understood", that's where the parent-child analogy fails. A parent can raise a two-year-old to try to be good, and do things that aren't bad, but here's the thing: human parents can't suddenly give their child all the knowledge needed in order to have them figure out the world as the parent sees it. God, however, has no such limitations. He could easily help the ancient people to "grow up" with no ambiguity, time, or effort on his part.

Actually most people seem to die, because God allows it, not just some ancient people in OT. I don’t think it is bad, if God kills, after all, He also gave the life, so there is nothing to complain, if He don’t allow it to last forever. I have no reason to demand eternal life from God and I have not yet seen anyone saying that he has done something why God must give the eternal life for him.

But still, God has promised eternal life for some:

These will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.
Mat. 25:46

And wage of sin will even today be death:

For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 6:23

I think it is good, if God doesn’t allow unrighteous people live forever, because I believe they would make life eternal suffering for all, if allowed to live.

But it makes me wonder, why there is no video in YouTube that shows how many lives Satan has given and how many lives God has given (all life, even his enemies lives).

I'm definitely not against unrighteousness people getting just punishment, I'' against severe punishment done for what may be seen as petty or intolerant reasons (like not believing in Yahweh but otherwise not hurting anyone).

And maybe there's no video like that because one could just make the argument, "God gave life to everything", end of video, nothing new learned.
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simple truth, martyr, disciple of Yahshua
Jan 6, 2005
It was never indicated in Genesis, or in the Old Testament at all, that the serpent was Satan,

JOYFULLY YHWH says very clearly. (sorry is that perhaps tradition is wrong, as usual).

In english it is never translated as far as I know.
HEBREW IS WONDERFUL if you are able to learn it or to receive revelation from YHWH (HE KNOWS WHAT HE HAD WRITTEN).
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John Hyperspace

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Oct 3, 2016
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(If this isn't the right place to post this, feel free to move it)

Given that Satan is supposed to be "the father of lies" and basically the incarnation of evil (even though he didn't do much in the Old Testament except Job, but I digress), t decided to look up on YouTube, out of curiosity, "did satan kill anyone" to see if anything showed up (seeing as Lucifer wasn't Satan if you read it in context and it's never said the serpent was Satan, just a snake that was one of God's creatures).

The first result that came up was "How Many Has God Killed?" And as I looked at the videos beneath it most of them were asking why God killed people, or didn't kill Satan, but none of them seem to talk about Satan killing people.

I found the video to be both eye-opening, a bit funny (much to my embarrassment to admit because of the video-game sound effects and playing a version of Somewhere Over the Rainbow in the middle) and a bit scary. Why? It shows (with each time citing the Bible verses, though I feel like with a few they could have included a couple verses back for sale of context as well) all the times that God killed someone when a specific number was mentioned, and in the middle a few times where God Himself said violent things, in contrast to John's "God is love" verse. What unnerves me (well, all of it unnerves me) most was that the only times Satan killed was in the book of Job, when God gave him permission.

Here's the video if you're curious:

Your thoughts on this?:|:scratch: I know that some will say, "Oh, his ways are not our ways", but it's also said "You shall know them by their fruits", though if you take those verses into account...

You talk about Satan not doing much in the Old Testament "except Job" but take a closer look at the ending of that story: Job 42:11 So even here it is "all that evil that the Lord brought upon him" and God never dodges responsibility for evil things happening. He allows it all. But, in Job, the Lord shows up in a whirlwind, to show Job that, although there's this which looks like, chaos and random fury; He is actually within it, directing it according to His purpose. Life, death, joy, pain, all in His hand and being used, like a smith uses a forge to forge a sword; or a potter using the kiln, or, an artificer using the seething fire to purge the gold of impurity.

Now consider that natural death, is just a trasnformation. It's not the end, but the door through which all must pass at the end of this life. And all die a natural death. So the Lord not only commanded the deaths of many many people, but even commands the death of every, single thing that has ever passed through this world. Right?

But, all of these things are His working according to a divine purpose which is aimed at, purification, and, growth. Just like it takes fire to cause new growth in a forest, or in the purging of a tree for new growth. The same is going on here. The purpose of God is in this world to teach us, to further create us spiritually, to exercise us, to create in us a righteous spirit. If a child dies, it hits us hard. It creates a spirit of compassion in us. It intensifies our care for others. You know how, when there is some great calamity, the people all come together, knit together in unity, performing great feats of compassion and caring. Such as in the aftermath of a hurricane, or tsunami, or earthquake: compassion runs deeper. We feel deeper. We empathize more deeply. Our diversities disappear into unity.

So then all people face these things every day, all of the time, sometimes in greater concentration than others. But all of these hardships are all working together: changing us, strengthening us, bringing out the greater good in us. This same is true of God, in all these things. Now, I can be no means know the proverbial "butterfly effects" of these great disasters in the bible. But I know in my heart and mind that these things - terrible as they are - are done for the sole purpose of creating within the human race greater love, care, empathy, unity, etc.

But death is a freedom from this place, this proving grounds; and all will be resurrected in the end. So all of those people really experienced nothing greater than what we all experience in this life. All at the hand of God. But God is love - and yes, we might say, tough love - and He will put His hand upon us, and press: He will put us in the fire, and blow; but all to the intent of good; just as a parent disciplines the child. Life here can be brutal, and tragic: but out of that comes the creation of a loving spirit in us, an empathic and unified spirit that understands the terrible nature of loss, and how infinitely important we all are to one another. Do you understand what I mean?

And also consider this: God's love for us is infinite, and you know the saying "This hurts me more than it hurts you"? Well, consider that every living thing is so precious to God, that He Himself experiences more pain in their suffering than they do themselves: because the empathy of God is likewise infinite. So when He commanded death, He, Himself, also bears the pain of that death. Every time one hurts, He hurts. But He endures for our sake, as we endure for the sake of others. Luke 12:6-7

If anyone knows how terribly hard and painful this all is, it is God that knows it to the fullest. After all, He suffered in all things, and as well was scourged, and mocked and spat upon, and nailed to a tree being guiltless.
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1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith
Jan 16, 2014
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No, you're having it be a strawman argument—what I was saying does not mean "God must not hurt even a fly", just that "God does not command humans to kill and assault and enslave other humans to show one tribe is superior to another".

Where in Scripture does it say he commanded Israel to kill anyone just to show themselves better than someone else?

The fact that it's "amazing" that he spares everyone gives off an air of "nothing should have been created because everything is bad", which isn't exactly "love".

Then, as I said, you do not understand human depravity as expressed in Scripture.

I don't think that, at the very least, any of the virgin girls from Numbers 31 deserved to be captured and likely assaulted—if they were "so depraved and bad", why wouldn't God order them killed to? And I don't think those of the other tribes who weren't hurting anyone deserved it either.

Then, again, you don't understand human depravity as expressed in Scripture.

If humanity is really so depraved, God could easily have just not created us.

Of course! The fact that he did is called grace.

If human nature is really "a nature to do bad and terrible things", then almost every human in the world would be killing, assaulting, etc. and you'd be hard-pressed to find a single good charitable human. Is that the case? No, a good number of humans try to be as good as they possibly can, and a fair number aren't even believers.

Again, you clearly do not understand human depravity—its scope or depth—as it is clearly taught in Scripture. Just because not everyone does the same things does not mean that everyone is not equally evil. Scripture declares, "There is no one righteous, not even one. There is no one who does what is good, not even one (Rom. 3:10, 12). Goodness means absolutely nothing outside of faith in Christ (Heb. 11:6), so "trying to be as good as you can" is worthless outside of Christ. Furthermore, Scripture declares that our damnation (and, by logical inference, our corruption) is "by nature" (Eph. 2:3). We can balk at it, but it is there, plain as day.

Face it, it is God's grace that anyone is allowed to live after the Fall. We are all rebels deserving of death outside of Christ. Everyone who dies—whether in the Old Testament or New—fully deserves it. You deserve it. I deserve it. The fact that we are amazed that God kills some people shows that we have far too high a view of the human condition, and likely far too low a view of God's perfection and justice.
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But it didn't have to be a time of harsh judgement. God could have very easily changed the minds of the people in the OT so they were more like those in the NT, or perfectly moral, and didn't want to kill people.

That's not the way God has chosen to restore what was lost in the rebellion. He is orchestrating a re-creation of events that occurred in the angelic realm, beginning with the rebellion of Eve, which pictures the rebellion of the one known as Lucifer. Many if not most of those that perished in the OT period likely were demon influenced or outright possessed, a state which God allowed for his purpose. Of course they may come up in the white throne judgment period along with Israel. God isn't willing that any should perish but that all would come to repentance. This might include those killed back then.
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simple truth, martyr, disciple of Yahshua
Jan 6, 2005
That's the point I'm trying to make—how do we KNOW Scripture is perfect?
"We" do not know.
"I" with the rest of ecclesia who know, know.
"You" said you do not know.
But it didn't have to be a time of harsh judgement. God could have very easily changed the minds of the people in the OT so they were more like those in the NT, or perfectly moral, and didn't want to kill people.
Where have you lived all your life ?
People all over the world have been viciously KILLING PEOPLE (and likewise more and more TO EXTINCTION animals and fish and birds and insects)

(This year and next year and the next year too - already planned and being carried out).

(Every year since wwII also, and all the years before that as well.)

i.e. mankind in the NEW TESTAMENT and since then
are evil and wicked throughout all the world
just like before the NEW TESTAMENT.

And getting much more evil every day, just as it is written.
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Somebody's heretic
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May 17, 2014
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It was never indicated in Genesis that the serpent was Satan, just a serpent who was "the craftiest of all the beasts of the field that God had made". According to Genesis, that's the reason that snakes don't have legs. If it was just Satan disguised as a snake, then the punishment wouldn't make sense if 1. it affects all snakes when Satan clearly wasn't a true snake, and 2. saying "upon your belly you will crawl, and dust you shall eat all the days of your life" if Satan could just as easily transform into a different form. It indicates that the serpent wasn't Satan, just a snake.

It was a talking snake. How many of those have you seen in the Zoo reptile house?

The point is that Eden is a story telling of how the spirit of rebelliousness cause man to fall.

Satan is the spirit of rebelliousness.
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simple truth, martyr, disciple of Yahshua
Jan 6, 2005
It was a talking snake. How many of those have you seen in the Zoo reptile house?
Think about this for a while.

Then check a few dozen Hebrew sources :

How many times are we warned to test all and any spirit ?

Who warned us that even if an Apostle or an angel of light appears
do not accept what they say unless it is true according to YHWH'S WORD already delivered ?

How come the same word translated serpent or snake in Bereshit is translated more like shining light everyplace else ?

(never serpent nor snake anywhere else)

Why would evil men seek to change the translation to serpent or snake in the garden of eden ?

This all happened and was revealed so long ago I don't know if any valid resources are readily available TODAY.

YHWH will provide all that is needed though, TRUST HIM.
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Somebody's heretic
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May 17, 2014
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Think about this for a while.

Then check a few dozen Hebrew sources :

How many times are we warned to test all and any spirit ?

Who warned us that even if an Apostle or an angel of light appears
do not accept what they say unless it is true according to YHWH'S WORD already delivered ?

How come the same word translated serpent or snake in Bereshit is translated more like shining light everyplace else ?

(never serpent nor snake anywhere else)

Why would evil men seek to change the translation to serpent or snake in the garden of eden ?

This all happened and was revealed so long ago I don't know if any valid resources are readily available TODAY.

YHWH will provide all that is needed though, TRUST HIM.

I've never seen Nachash translated as shining light, but rather as 'enchanter', 'cunning', and a 'whisperer of spells' (the latter being a 'hisser' of spells and so the serpent imagery arises).
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Sep 4, 2003
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The question in the OP "How Many Has God Killed?" reminds me of the question asked when driving by a large cemetery where someone inevitably wonders, "Just how may dead people are buried in that cemetery anyway?"

The answer is, of course, "All of them!".

God created death as the ultimate mercy for a fallen humanity. Death places a limit on how much evil we can do, how much evil we have to endure.

Without death, evil and sin would be eternal states of being, a literal living hell.

"In those days people will seek death, but they won't find it. They will want to die, but death will run away from them."

Be careful what you wish for. It might just come true.
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May 28, 2015
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full of symbolism, and as a direct message to be taken by John to the leaders of the tribes at the time—their names are directly mentioned.
Tribes?.....what tribes?
It indicates that the serpent wasn't Satan, just a snake.
Yeah, it was just a talking snake who just happened to overhear the conversation between God and Adam and decided, in his little snake brain, to mess up what God created as what?.....some kind of joke?
There is far to many wrong things in your post to address here....I suggest you have a long talk with your priest or attend some sort of adult SS class in your parish....
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Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2015
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(If this isn't the right place to post this, feel free to move it)

Given that Satan is supposed to be "the father of lies" and basically the incarnation of evil (even though he didn't do much in the Old Testament except Job, but I digress), t decided to look up on YouTube, out of curiosity, "did satan kill anyone" to see if anything showed up (seeing as Lucifer wasn't Satan if you read it in context and it's never said the serpent was Satan, just a snake that was one of God's creatures).

The first result that came up was "How Many Has God Killed?" And as I looked at the videos beneath it most of them were asking why God killed people, or didn't kill Satan, but none of them seem to talk about Satan killing people.

I found the video to be both eye-opening, a bit funny (much to my embarrassment to admit because of the video-game sound effects and playing a version of Somewhere Over the Rainbow in the middle) and a bit scary. Why? It shows (with each time citing the Bible verses, though I feel like with a few they could have included a couple verses back for sale of context as well) all the times that God killed someone when a specific number was mentioned, and in the middle a few times where God Himself said violent things, in contrast to John's "God is love" verse. What unnerves me (well, all of it unnerves me) most was that the only times Satan killed was in the book of Job, when God gave him permission.

Here's the video if you're curious:

Your thoughts on this?:|:scratch: I know that some will say, "Oh, his ways are not our ways", but it's also said "You shall know them by their fruits", though if you take those verses into account...

YouTube is really not a valid reference.

God is the Creator of the universe. He is holy, perfect, righteous and just. He can do with His creation as He sees fit according to the counsel of His own will, not man's will. God never consulted man when He created the universe. God's justice and righteous wrath against sin is never a contradiction with His love, grace and mercy.

You have no ground on which to judge God. Like the rest of us, you are a mere, finite creature, attempting to judge a holy, infinite and eternal God.
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Dec 3, 2015
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Problem 1:

> What has Satan done exactly that makes him the king of Evil? If we look at the history of the world or man in general, and see the amount of killings such as the times of BC, the Dark ages, WW1, WW2, US terrorism in the Middle East, the ISIS and random terrorists, random domestic violence and animal cruelty. All of that is by man's doing, unless we really want to play the scapegoat game by continuing to believe "the devil tempted me to do it" then there is no logical way that Satan is the king of evil. Mankind clearly took that title from him a long time ago.

If it is true that Satan's biggest reason for leaving God was because he hated man (as to what Islam believes: Satan refusing to bow down to humans), how can you blame him?

> This can go with God as well: What has God done that makes him all Good? The feeding of the homeless, the rescuing of victims, human rights to animal rights, curing of the sick, equality towards people of different races, gender, sexual orientations, etc... Man mostly did this.

Problem 2: Man's sinning causing the world to be what it is.

Our world is broken all because of man sinning. Thing is, it is also believed that Satan was an angel (as popularly taught by Christianity) who fell from heaven because of rebelling against God. Why didn't heaven change and become just as broken as the earth if that is the case? I mean, sin actually happened there too maybe even prior to sin entering the earth yet it's still the perfect place.

If Satan -an angel- was able to sin, then how are we so sure that the other angels or even the saints like Mary... are still up there after all these thousands of years?

Why did we get affected by Adam and Eve's sin when we were never in the garden in the first place? That's their fault, not mine. For mankind to be cursed all because of what Adam and Eve did kinda questions the whole "just God" argument. Would you condemn a random white kid outside because of the fact that his ancestors probably took Black's as slaves? Should a child be condemned by the sins of his parents (or ancestors that existed thousands of years before he did)?
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Searching for Truth
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Jul 5, 2014
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Well, here goes. I realize many of you will disagree but, that's okay. The lie/veil that has been pulled over mankind's eyes is very strong and very deep.

When man fell the Father promised a redeemer. He told Eve that ... Gen 3:15 And I will put enmity Between you and the woman, And between your seed and her seed; He shall bruise you on the head, And you shall bruise him on the heel."

From the moment of the fall until Messiah's birth one of the enemies greatest efforts was to PREVENT the coming of Messiah.

So, what about this Veil/Lie am I talking about? Its the sublet almost invisible lie many to most believers hold true almost on a subconscious level. And it has to do with Adam and Eve and their offspring. The lie is that they were "primitive" and were not particularly "evolved" The truth is in fact the exact opposite. Adam and Eve were Stunning physically, emotionally and intellectually.

Contrary to what some try to teach, that "angels" slept with women and that is where the Nephilim came from, it was the ungodly line descended from Cain that did this. Pre-flood man was highly advanced and began to manipulate DNA and created perversions G-d never intended to exist.

Think for a second perhaps one can understand G-d killing mankind for being evil (this argument is deeply flawed as well and I will show you why) but everything that had the breath of life? Why kill the animals though?????? Notice what G-d says..... that they were CORRUPT in their ways. Corrupt how? Mankind morally has NEVER improved. So its difficult to place just mans sin as the sole reason G-d was so grieved.... What was G-d unaware that man would continue to sin? Cant believe that as he is G-d. He knew fallen man needed a redeemer and had a plan for that to occur so WHY did G-d say he was so grieved that he wanted to destroy creation?! Because man has begun to corrupt his own DNA. It explains why it was JUST Noah, Noah's wife and his 3 sons along with their wives.

Interestingly, we see the Nephilim return after the flood, how is that possible????? Well, if the wives of the sons Noah's boys married had some tainted DNA, that is how.... We see shortly after the Flood the tower of Babel and what are they trying to do? Get back what they lost in the flood and it explains what G-d said... and why they had to be scattered and their language confused to STOP what they were trying to do...

That takes is to when Moses leads the children of Israel out of Egypt towards the promised land and it explains why Some cities were allowed to surrender, other the cities were sacked and the men killed and still others EVERYTHING that had life was killed and burned. It was ALL about cleansing the land and insuring that the corrupt DNA was completely removed.

A surgeon removes the cancer and cuts it all out for it he misses any it will spread through the body and kill it....G-d did the same
I agree.
I may differ in the source of the contamination of the DNA and bloodline. But that is another story.

The fact is that "all flesh was corrupted". This was Satan's plan to destroy the pure human bloodline so that the messiah could not exist.

After the flood, the impurity showed it's face again. Like you said, from the wives of Noah's sons. However, it was much more diluted now and could be handled....

This is why there was a need for genocides. God was preserving the pure human bloodline.

From the time of the fall to the coming of Christ, Satan's goal was to stop the possibility of a pure human savior.
At the time of Christ, Satan tried to get Christ to sin by tempting Him.
After Christs arrest, Satan tried all he could to contradict the prophecies of Christ by killing Christ before the cross, breaking a bone or goading Christ into talking. Any of these would contradict scripture regarding the messiah.

Now that Christ has became our savior all that Satan can do is try to convince people that Christ was just a man, God doesn't exist, Satan doesn't exist, the Bible isn't the real truth...... anything that can keep you from believing in Christ, the scripture and how easy it is to be saved as well as the fact that there is nobody that cannot be saved.
Basically, now Satan just wants you to go to hell.
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