Blog entries by ~Jennifer~

1 min read
hurt my feelings today. I received an invitation to their annual fish fry that they have once a year and now I'm considering not going. My son wanted to have his birthday at the fish fry and she didn't mention it in the invitations that she sent out so I emailed her back asking if I just need...
1 min read
I have a little bit okay maybe a lot of fear about drive I do drive though. Tomorrow I have to drive to the city which is an hour away from where we live when I drive I usually have all the mirrors turned to where I can't see traffic behind me and I just need to get over this. I took 4...
3 min read
Sure wish there was another way of dd sometimes she isn't such a dd. Here goes as to why I posted about her status on Facebook. She broke the eight commandment Thy Shall Not Steal. The one time I gave her persmission to do something with a friend. Her and her best friend I only new one...