Iran strikes Israel and Israel responds


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Dec 29, 2006
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We saw the attack by Iran on Israel...
'CNN — Almost all the ballistic missiles and drones Iran launched at Israel in an unprecedented attack late Saturday were intercepted and failed to meet their mark, according to Israeli and American officials, highlighting the formidable, and multi-layered missile defense deployed by the two allied partners.

Most of the more than 300 Iranian munitions, the majority of which are believed to have been launched from inside of Iran’s territory during a five-hour attack, were intercepted before they got to Israel, more than 1,100 miles (1,770 kilometers) from their launch points.'....

Now Israel has responded and interestingly hit beside where a Nuclear facility is located as Iran is enriching uranium almost to the level needed for Nuclear Weapons........its getting to that..

'Israel carried out limited strikes in Iran early Friday in retaliation for Tehran firing a barrage of missiles and drones at Israel last Saturday.

Here are the key facts you need to know about the latest escalation of violence between the two countries.

Fox News confirmed there have been explosions in Iran's Isfahan province, which is where Natanz, one of Iran's nuclear facilities, is located.

A well-placed military source has told Fox News that the strike was "limited."

Israel strikes back at Iran: Five key questions


Nov 4, 2013
Brisbane Qld Australia
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I think Irans intervention has changed the scope of the conflict from Isreal and Hamas to a wider conflict. Its exposed what everyone knew which was that Iran is behind much of the trouble. But they are only feeding an ideology that already existed.

Though nations like the US, France and Britain are saying they won't get involved they already are with funding and support in taking out Iranian misiles. But whats interesting is that Jordan is siding with the Allies.

I think there may be a chance to get some of these Arab nations who were warming to the Abraham Accord to joing together with Isreal in a treaty for peace in the area. In that way there will be several Arab nations like Jordan, Egypt, UAE, Oman ect and also most other allied nations all backing Iran into a corner to isolate them and their behaviour.

The west has forgotten this same ideology was consumed with terrorism against western nations only a few years ago. But they will continue to target any nation who does not go along with their ideology. This radicalisation is already filtrating into western nations with pro Hamas supporters wanting to tear down all things western and Europeaning such as flag burning and the rise of anti-semetism.

This present situations in the middle east has been coming for some time and in some ways I think the Isrealis are brave in their stand against not tolerating the terror any more. But whether it was Isreal or the west this was going to come to a head as radicalisation has continued to grow throughout the middle east.

So I think we are at a crucial time at present where things can either be resolved to some extent or go pear shape. I think Isreal had the right to respond to Irans attack to send the message that any further attacks will have consequences. Its now up to Iran and its proxies. We know Hezbulah and Hamas won't stop so Isreal will have to concentrate on the conflict on their own door step.

But it will be interesting to see Irans response. I think now is the time to start bringing the nations together in the middle east to join forces against terrorism as I think most people just want to get on with their lives. Iran has showed its hand so now it has to take responsibility or suffer the consequences. Its the only thing they understand.
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