10 Life-Changing Daily Rules of Life, From St. John XXIII


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Feb 5, 2002
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Pope John XXIII’s morning resolutions provide practical means to help you become a saint.

In high school, I stumbled across The Journal of a Soul by Pope John XXIII. Besides the knowledge that he convened the Second Vatican Council, was affectionately known as “Good Pope John,” and had a sense of humor, I had not known much else about him.

His journal — which he began as a young seminarian — provides a glimpse into John XXIII’s spirituality as he himself once admitted: My soul is in these pages.” Each entry speaks of his desire for perfection, from the time he was a young seminarian until his last entry as pope, and contains the practical methods he created to pursue holiness.

As any saint, the Pope focused on finding God and striving for sanctity in the present, never worrying about the future. St. John XXIII wrote in his journal, during a retreat in preparation for the completion of his 80th year, that his aim was “not to try to predict the future, indeed, not to count on any future at all: that is my rule of conduct.” Instead, he sought to live in a spirit of tranquility and contentment by simply accepting the demands of the present day.

He employed two methods to aid him in this endeavor. First, he created resolutions and rules for his life which he faithfully followed and re-evaluated during his retreats. These can be found in his journal. Second, he wrote and lived by 10 daily resolutions — known as the “Daily Decalogue.” He read them every morning to remind himself how he should conduct himself during the day.

At a memorial Mass commemorating John XXIII in 2006, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone shared with the faithful the Pope’s Daily Decalogue:

1. Only for today, I will seek to live the livelong day positively without wishing to solve the problems of my life all at once.

Continued below.