
  1. Lov4Christ

    My kids need me and I them

    Please PRAY for my kids and I. My wife and I have recently divorced and my kids are with my ex-wife still. Though some of the reasons for the divorce were on me, not all of it was my fault and God has saved me since then. I know my kids are hurting because they don't understand it all and they...
  2. W

    Cleaner Gut leads to better connection/communication with God?

    Cleaner Gut leads to better connection/communication with God? i.e. Those are on high BP or diabetes, simple food/drinks like bread, coke or high carbs food will immediately have dizziness after 30 minutes of consumption? With dizziness or not dizziness to have better communication/connection...
  3. Lostcontroll

    What can I do about lustful thoughts when I see another woman?

    Hi, I have been porn-free since January after 8 years, but often when I see a woman, thoughts like "hot" come to mind, or if I accidentally look at someone's butt, I think that it looks good or other perverse thoughts.. I am in a relationship and I struggle against these thoughts in my head...
  4. Lostcontroll

    Sexual intrusive thoughts about others while in a relationship

    Hey, I've been heavily addicted to porn for 7-8 years, especially BDSM. In January, I told my girlfriend everything (including that I had been chatting with other men as their slave and sent them some stuff about myself). We've been fighting together, and I've been porn-free since then. Until...
  5. pantingdeer


  6. R

    What does it mean to YOU to have a personal relationship with Christ?

    This is a very popular phrase in Christianity: You must have a personal relationship with Jesus. How would you explain this to someone new to Christianity? How do we have a 'personal relationship' with someone we can't see, touch, or hear? What does such a 'relationship' look like? What does...
  7. G

    How do you evolve, a "fact"?

    Hi there, So my immediate reaction to this idea, was that it's not possible to evolve a fact. I admit that. You can change the context in which it is viewed or how its interpreted, but that fact itself remains the same. I recognise that. Once I recognised that, I started to think: "maybe the...
  8. G

    The chicken or the egg? Both.

    Hi there, So I have come to the conclusion, that what we understand as the beginning, rests on entering into a relationship. That relationship, under the right circumstances, leads to a stable interaction with the world - from the point of which, what is created in that beginning, can be...
  9. A


    Okay, So I'm back at Repentance. Again. I'm trying to yet figure this out. Again. I've been so mad and hurt, I tried to give up. many times. but It seems that something inside me tells me that I'm wrong I want to read the word but I don't. I want to change but I don't. typing this now I now see...
  10. Christsfreeservant

    Religion vs Relationship

    An Original Work / April 24, 2022 Religion is based in the teachings of man, In forms and traditions in which they now stand. Their customs, their idols, are what they now serve, And from their procedures they barely will swerve. The writings of man are the bibles they read, While God’s word...
  11. C

    Girlfriend is desperate for marriage. Not sure though.

    So a little bit of an update to this thread: TLDR: My girlfriend is very attached to me and wants to get married to me. She is in her mid 30's so time is not on her side and she also never had a boyfriend before me. So I think she feels like I am her only hope. I have not been exactly feeling...
  12. Andrew_x7398

    Looking for a girl who good in worshipping God and be relationship

    Hello, My name is Andrew. Gonna be 19 soon. I am from Malaysia and willing to be relationship with a girl who near with GOD . I'm a worshipper in church and musician to worshipping GOD. Message me , lets be friends. In GOD Grace, hope it will changed into relationsip
  13. H

    At first he told me, that I am an idiot...

    I met my ex colleague Rado in waiting room in rehabilitation instiution last year in autumn. Doctor had some problems with one other patient, so we could talk to Rado longer time. At first I asked Rado, if he has some information about our previous work. We discussed it about little bit and...
  14. H

    I would like to help people with problems in relationships with help from God

    God bless you all my dear new friends God shows me that I go right way and helped me solve all my problems in relationships I ever had in my life. I mean problems with colleagues in my job, problems with women and especially with my sister in love, where we didn´t talk for 20 years and now we...
  15. H

    Bad emotions and God

    People want to be happy and understand life logically. People understand happiness over materialism and money. Also many people pray for sucess, career, material thinks. But God is love and love is not material, but emotion. People cannot understand, that hapiness can give you God and even nice...
  16. H

    We must pray for removing of injustice from our hearts with help of God

    Almost all of our problems we have due to injustice we feel. Many of us understand as injustice criticism, another better opinion, no accepting of our opinion by other side, conflict in discussion, or if people doesn´t accept what we say, or don´t do, what we want, or have more than we have...
  17. C

    Want to Break Up with Girlfriend who thinks we will get married

    My girlfriend of 10 months is dead set on us getting married. She is in her mid 30's where as I am in my upper 20's. She never had a boyfriend before me and thinks I am the one. I'm not trying to brag or be mean but I am probably a little bit out of her league (I really don't care about that...
  18. Julie.S

    Please pray for my relationship

    Things have been going well and we are both very happy being together when we go out. We make each other happy and look forward to seeing one another. I pray everyday that we grow closer. The last relationship I had ended abruptly and was akin to the floor falling out from underneath me. I...
  19. J

    Need help and advice with OCD and Salvation Doubts

    Dear All After years of having a long track record of several forms of OCD (Car, Germs, Illnesses, being unclean spiritually and lots more) now I suffer from Relationship OCD which is getting worse and worse. I am certain that all of this has to do with deep wounds in my heart, caused by how I...
  20. pantingdeer

    I don’t get joy from anything

    This started a few years ago. When I was 17, it seemed like my attraction to women just went away within the space of a few days. This affected me a lot. Then I slowly lost my interests in other things: I lost interest in what I was studying at school, lost interest in watching sports and lost...