
  1. C

    Freemasons salvation

    Good day, I'm asking for prayer for salvation of Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Iowa, Grand Lodge of Iowa, Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Indiana, Prince Edwin Grand Lodge of Indiana, Grand Lodge of Indiana, United Grand Lodge AF & AM, United Grand Lodge Ancient and Accepted Masons, St. Mark Grand...
  2. L

    Uncorking my old wineskin and pouring out..

    Someone I follow online recommended sitting down with the Lord and writing to have deep talk with him. I have a blog, but I was actually hoping for something even more private, but also a space where fellow believers could have a place to give feedback. I have been dealing with being...
  3. Christsfreeservant

    Love Your Enemies

    “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the...
  4. C

    Salvation Prayer Request

    Good day I'm asking for prayer for the salvation of the persons attending Iskcon of Guyana Hare Krishna Study Centre, Radha Krishna Mandir and Old Hindu Temple. Please pray for them and the salvation of their families. Thank you for all of your prayer.
  5. J

    Uncertainty around deliberate sin

    I have posted about something similar to this before, but just feel really drawn to seek advice around this so thought I would just share. I am a bit confused as to how to feel about something... Last Friday I went to bed later than I knew I should have at the time. I could have set my alarm...
  6. Christsfreeservant

    But Test Everything

    1 Thessalonians 5:12-13 ESV “We ask you, brothers, to respect those who labor among you and are over you in the Lord and admonish you, and to esteem them very highly in love because of their work. Be at peace among yourselves.” When Paul taught here that we are to respect those who labor among...
  7. Ashley755

    The kid next door and his family: salvation prayer request

    So, I live next to this kid who rather detests me for my Christian faith, but I try to love him anyway. He seems extremely angry and bitter. I think he's a strong atheist. Please pray that he and his whole family get saved.
  8. J


    Hi, at times I feel urges to fast (food), for something I pray for each day. I am underweight however, although not significantly so. It would be useful to hear if anyone has any thoughts around whether to do so or not. Thanks so much.
  9. Christsfreeservant

    Live for Jesus

    Live for Jesus every day, Read your Bible, kneel and pray, Leave your life of sin behind, No have you eyes that are blind. Walk with Jesus every way, Do not now you from Him stray, Obey Him and his commands, Stand on rock and not on sand. Follow Him where’er He leads, On His word now truly...
  10. Robbie777

    Please Pray for me, this could be the end

    It has been a very challenging few years, in fact 10 years to say the least. I have been homeless twice, I have helped my mother get through a dreadful cancer and now I have covid-19. I am unvaccinated because of a medical condition which makes the whole situation worse. I feel like I totally...
  11. Allen of the Cross

    Pray for me

    Hello everyone. I believe in God's loving kindness, but it's so hard to understand how loving He is. Please pray that I can better understand Christ's love for me. I have schizophrenia and this all gets so confusing, and I get scared often.
  12. L

    How do i pray for Christian

    I am not a Christian but would like to pray for them. Say, may Lord Jesus heals him/her lung and quickly discharge from hospital? How can i do that?
  13. GodJesusAndChocolate

    Prayer For Injured Bird

    Hello! I found an injured bird in my backyard. It can't fly. :(:(:(:( Please pray for this injured bird. :(:(:(:(
  14. Christsfreeservant

    God's Forgiving of Sins has Conditions

    I’m sharing this here with you from my time of personal devotions with my Lord Jesus Christ, for your encouragement. Sue Love 2 Chronicles 7:11-15 ESV “Thus Solomon finished the house of the Lord and the king's house. All that Solomon had planned to do in the house of the Lord and in his own...
  15. Ashley755

    Pray for courage for someone dear to me

    Hi, Someone I know of is struggling to be open about their Christian faith. They’ve kept it a secret for awhile. Please pray they would find the courage and willingness to admit they are a Christian and accept whatever people may think of them for it. I want them to find their boldness. Thank...
  16. J

    Terminal illness

    Hi all, a volunteer where I work told me this week that their ex partner's Mum, her children's Nan, has quite unexpectedly just been diagnosed with an illness and is, incredibly sadly, expected to live for around just one more week. Prayer around this would be really appreciated - that she will...
  17. J

    Terminal illness - praying for salvation

    Hi all, A volunteer where I work, as Deputy Manager, told me this Thursday that their ex partner's Mum, their children's Nan, has quite unexpectedly just been diagnosed with an illness and is, incredibly sadly, expected to live for around just one more week. I have been praying for a miracle...
  18. J

    Terminal illness - praying for salvation

    Hi all, A volunteer where I work, as Deputy Manager, told me this Thursday that their ex partner's Mum, their children's Nan, has quite unexpectedly just been diagnosed with an illness and is, incredibly sadly, expected to live for around just one more week. I have been praying for a miracle...
  19. Ashley755

    Have a prayer request? Leave it in this thread!

    If you have a prayer request, go ahead and comment it on this thread. Then, pray for someone else's request and give their comment a :praying: rating to let them know.
  20. Latonya. Griffin

    Linda Kenneth

    owe 3 checks to my person...