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      o_mlly replied to the thread Free will and determinism.
      To paraphrase an old joke: A theist asks an atheist for directions. After starting to give directions several times (each one different...
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      o_mlly replied to the thread Free will and determinism.
      An emerging property is one that science observes but cannot explain its cause. "Life", like "free will", can be described as emergent...
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      o_mlly replied to the thread Free will and determinism.
      Rather, one's brain (in as much as it is able) behaves as it is moved by one's mind.
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      o_mlly replied to the thread Free will and determinism.
      ? That's exactly what I posted. The senses cannot identify that which is beyond sense perception, ie., "nonsensical". Therefore, in...
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      o_mlly replied to the thread Free will and determinism.
      Oxymoronic. An immaterial force cannot ever be detected by any of the material sciences experiments. No, you have not explained; you...
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      o_mlly replied to the thread Free will and determinism.
      Applying the same illogical thinking to living beings, the fact that science given the range of energies employed has failed to identify...
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      o_mlly replied to the thread Establishing Secular Morality.
      Only in the eyes of the irredeemable radical liberal. See Estrid's comments. When the regs do little to improve safety for consumers...
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      o_mlly replied to the thread The Triumph of Bidenomics!.
      I did. Where's your list of Republican programs that outdo SS and Medicare? You might add the War on Poverty programs and the New...
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      o_mlly replied to the thread Establishing Secular Morality.
      Nope. Doing away with excessive regulation is the constant theme.
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      o_mlly replied to the thread The Triumph of Bidenomics!.
      Looks like you did not have a list. Do you have one or not? Not at all. The taxpayers are given the authority to redirect their...
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      o_mlly replied to the thread Free will and determinism.
      Although not self-evidently true, free will is in a class of truths for which a semblance of certitude can be claimed, as strongly...
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      o_mlly replied to the thread The Triumph of Bidenomics!.
      You would be hard pressed to come up with a list that surpasses FDR's and LBJ's just for starters. But I'm willing to look at your...
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      o_mlly replied to the thread Free will and determinism.
      Srawman alert! Nope, that was you. I think this is the 4th or 5th time I've reminded you what forum you are in. Try looking up "moral...
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      o_mlly replied to the thread Free will and determinism.
      Not trying to. I said it was my mistake. Your definition has well, no intelligible meaning. But I gave you the benefit of being more...
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      o_mlly replied to the thread The Triumph of Bidenomics!.
      If true then there is no such thing as "Bidenomics" or "Reganomics". The President, the Senators and the Congress know that their...
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