Soros-backed liberals try to get US bishops’ pro-life chair fired for criticizing pro-abortion Biden


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Feb 5, 2002
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Archbishop Joseph Naumann is the subject of an online petition from left-wing 'Christian groups attempting to oust him.

March 23, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) – Liberal “Christian” groups are trying to get Archbishop Joseph Naumann, head of the U.S. Catholic bishops’ pro-life committee, fired for his denunciation of Joe Biden’s radical support for abortion.

Faith in Public Life and Faithful America -- two far-left, so-called religious groups backed by atheist mega-donor George Soros -- launched an online petition last week to unseat Naumann from his committee post. The petition had nearly 20,000 signatures as of Tuesday, although Faithful America has been known to pad petitions with fake signatures.

Both Soros-backed, pro-abortion and pro-LGBT groups behind the effort to cancel Naumann have worked for years to destroy the careers of faithful Christian leaders, winning condemnation even from mainstream media outlets. The organizations repeatedly have targeted top Catholic prelates, including Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco, as well as traditional humanitarian aid providers and evangelical pastors.

“As fellow Catholics, Christians, and other concerned people of faith, we urge conference leaders to remove Archbishop Joseph Naumann as chair of the pro-life committee,” the petition against Naumann reads.

“We encourage you to select a new leader who will refrain from attacking the president’s personal faith,” it adds.

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Soros-backed liberals try to get US bishops’ pro-life chair fired for criticizing pro-abortion Biden