San Francisco Is Going To Make It Illegal For Stores to Close


Feb 5, 2002
By the shores of Gitchee-Goomee
United States
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The left-wing wacko policies of San Francisco have led to the state they're in right now: nobody can afford to live or do business there----and who would want to? The streets are filled with homeless addicts and trash, garbage, feces, and filth.

So now, in the face of the city's collapsing economy, Frisco has decided to overrule the collapse by ordering---*ORDERING*!---grocery stores to remain open. ^_^

Do these knuckleheads even have any idea about how an economic system actually works? You can't simply order a business to remain open if there's nothing to sustain it; it just doesn't work that way. All they're doing is setting themselves up for massive failure.

It reminds me of Hitler, squirreled away in his bunker, safe from all the harsh realities of the war going on outside, issuing commands to dead field marshals of armies that no longer existed, ordering them to get out there and throw the Russians back to Vistula, blithely unaware that those armies he was depending on existed only in his mind. In the harsh reality, the only things standing between Hitler's imagination and the Red Army were a few hundred irregular militia, made up of children, invalids, and old men, armed with antiquated, inadequate weapons, who had about as much chance at stopping the Russian advance as a snowball in a blast furnace.

Or of Stalin, who looked at industrial powers like the United States and the British Empire, and decided that he, too, by golly, was going to have heavy industry, with massive factories churning out machine parts and airplanes and tractors; so he ordered such factories to be built, way out there on the steppes in central Russia. The only problem was, there was nothing out there to sustain such an enterprise----there were no ore deposits, no petroleum refineries, no towns, no population, not even any roads, paved or otherwise. Result? The big factory buildings, which were put up in the dry summer, sank into the earth when the winter rains started: there were no stable foundations underneath them. Supply trucks bogged down in mud that reached the windshields. Kulak laborers, imported to man steel refineries, ran away in the night, disappearing into the steppes and never to be seen again.

The point? That you simply can't demand something into existence while simultaneously ignoring the realities of the situation you're facing and decreeing, "This will happen, and it will work, because I say so." Fantasyland might be fine when you're passing ephemeral laws about gender policy from the lofty heights of city hall, but economic realities on the streets are not Fantasyland.

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Feb 5, 2002
By the shores of Gitchee-Goomee
United States
Marital Status
article said:
The timing of this proposal coincides with President Biden’s criticism of grocery store pricing practices, accusing corporations of exploiting everyday American families with high prices. While the Biden administration is pressuring food retailers to lower prices, San Francisco’s response is to impose regulations aimed at preserving the accessibility of essential goods for its residents.

Hey, Joe: I mean, we all know you're not a mental heavyweight here, okay? But quite frankly, prices were doing just fine when Trump was in office. It wasn't until *YOU* were illegally placed in office and started doing stupid things like shutting down oil pipelines that inflation took over and prices skyrocketed.

You accusing corporations of exploitation due to high prices is like Jack the Ripper blaming one of his victims for a shaving nick. Get real.

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