Is The Internet The 666 Beast?


Feb 18, 2013
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The mark of the beast may be 666, but it is the number of a man. The mark of the beast is supposed to mock the seal of the Holy Spirit in believers. Some say the number of the unholy trinity of Satan, the first beast, and the false prophet. If three sevens represent complete perfection, then the number 666 falls completely short of perfection.

I would agree .The internet to some is evil. To others a answer to go out into the world and make disciples of men. In that way nothing in its self is evil unless influences by the evil one. . . the spirit of lies.

In that way he is the the one source of lying wonders that appose the faith that comes from hearing God .Turning things upside down inspired from earth doctrines of men and not the doctrines of God that fall from heaven the rain or water of the gospel. Satan the god of this world would have a person wonder rather than believe God. Never coming to the end of faith (Believe God)

Like for instance making the buying and selling the things of this world and not the buying and not selling of the gospel the truth of God. Again wondering, wondering . Not coming to faith, believing.

Proverbs 23:23 Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding.

Chapter 4 of Genesis defines that mark. I would call it the mark of his word as a law.

what he says will come to pass.

Faithless Cain who tried to bargain with a God who he refused to believe. The example. Cain said: My punishment is more than I can bear. The punishment that Jesus bore on the cross as a rest being yoked with him making our burden lighter. Cain remained a restless wanderer all the days of his life. No sabbath called rest his heart remained hard. .

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Dec 2, 2010
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I don't know anything about the internet but I'll probably go to my grave believing that the 2020 US Presidential election was won by ballot harvesting or just flat out fake ballots. It does not happen in the state I live in because not only do you need a drivers license or non drivers license, but you scan it in the computer to get a ballot, so they know I'm me. But in other states you can pretty much bring a blank piece of paper that says my name is Jane Smith and I vote for candidate X. I'm not sure if this voter fraud that I think has happened, will be proven, but if it is proven that fake votes threw a presidential election I can see a push to have a nationwide voter ID system and I can see that system be built from the ground up to be remote through the internet. Now most any system can be hacked, so to do that they would have to be going to probably a combination of bio-metric identification together with a block chain technology. Add those two together and you have the mechanism of the mark of the beast. Now take that, and say to yourself, gee drug use is rampant, credit card theft is rampant, human trafficking. Well, eliminate paper currency and tie this new system to the banking system and WALA, you've got the world of revelation. No one is anonymous, no one can buy or sell without it, and no one can hide from the Antichrist. I hope to be gone by time all this happens.
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Feb 18, 2013
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I don't know anything about the internet but I'll probably go to my grave believing that the 2020 US Presidential election was won by ballot harvesting or just flat out fake ballots. It does not happen in the state I live in because not only do you need a drivers license or non drivers license, but you scan it in the computer to get a ballot, so they know I'm me. But in other states you can pretty much bring a blank piece of paper that says my name is Jane Smith and I vote for candidate X. I'm not sure if this voter fraud that I think has happened, will be proven, but if it is proven that fake votes threw a presidential election I can see a push to have a nationwide voter ID system and I can see that system be built from the ground up to be remote through the internet. Now most any system can be hacked, so to do that they would have to be going to probably a combination of bio-metric identification together with a block chain technology. Add those two together and you have the mechanism of the mark of the beast. Now take that, and say to yourself, gee drug use is rampant, credit card theft is rampant, human trafficking. Well, eliminate paper currency and tie this new system to the banking system and WALA, you've got the world of revelation. No one is anonymous, no one can buy or sell without it, and no one can hide from the Antichrist. I hope to be gone by time all this happens.

The mark of the beast is related to the spiritual unseen things. We do not wrestles against the temporal things seen as rudiments of this corrupted dying world and neither are we supported by the things seen the temporal .

It has nothing to do with the temporal things seen . Rather than a famine for food water or shelter .There will be a famine for hearing the the word of the gospel . As believer we buy the truth of the gospel and do not sell it.

Proverbs 23:23Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding.

Because nothing is evil of itself or righteous of itself. I would agree in theses last days the internet can be used to influence good or evil .Real news or fake.

In that sense technology can become the god of this world .That is if we accredit the the intellect to man apart from God.

But no greater time in history could we go out two by two into the whole world and offer the good news gospel in a living hope Christ would apply it to the hearts. (called the great commission).

When we receive our new bodies none of the things of this earth will come to mind or ever be remembered for ever and ever more .

It is now we can offer the good works our God works in us with us to both will and empower us to do his good will. In this world we will have tribulation. Christ makes the load lighter.
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Nov 2, 2020
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Is this real?

Unless you internet name is Nero Caesar, it has nothing to do with 600, 60 and 6 in the GREEK. There are no “W” sounds in ancient Hebrew and certainly not a Semetic equivalent to a Latin based alphabet. The only English letter comparable to W in the Hebrew via transliteration is “V” so unless every Internet address starts with VVV.

I’m sorry but this is a Terrible argument for explaining evil on the internet.

The Number of the Beast was the NUMBER OF A MAN and his number is 600 60 and 6 or “Nero Caesar”
All the first century believers in Judea understood what it meant.

Please please stop this!!

It’s just flat out embarrassing

Mark of the beast and the internet

"If we are now near the End of the Age, The “mark of the beast” system appears to be taking shape and the infrastructure is being laid. The only system in place now is the internet. It is increasingly becoming depended upon for financial transactions and commerce. The internet is (MAYBE?) already tagged with 666. The “www” in the Hebrew language could be numerically read as 666. Although there is no “w” in Hebrew language. A “w” in Hebrew is given the same place as a “v”, which numerically equates to a number 6. In Hebrew, letters of the alphabet also equate to numbers. So the numberical value of a “w” is the same as a “v”, which is 6. Making “www” equal to 666 in the Hebrew alphabet numbering system."

World Wide Web=WWW=666=Mark of the Beast

My questions are: Can the internet of today eventually turn into the "mark of the beast" system and if so, are we Christian internet users safe for now?

And how likely is it true that the WWW in the internet really does equal the Hebrew 666 and the internet really is the eventual beast?
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Feb 18, 2013
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Is this real?

Unless you internet name is Nero Caesar, it has nothing to do with 600, 60 and 6 in the GREEK. There are no “W” sounds in ancient Hebrew and certainly not a Semetic equivalent to a Latin based alphabet. The only English letter comparable to W in the Hebrew via transliteration is “V” so unless every Internet address starts with VVV.

I’m sorry but this is a Terrible argument for explaining evil on the internet.

The Number of the Beast was the NUMBER OF A MAN and his number is 600 60 and 6 or “Nero Caesar”
All the first century believers in Judea understood what it meant.

Please please stop this!!

It’s just flat out embarrassing

It has nothing to do with the Greek language.

666 is simply the number appointed to those unredeemed. They are not yoked with Christ and do not receive the blessing that makes our sufferings lighter.

Cain the atheist fool was used as a example of a marked mankind (666) He refused to hear and believe God not seen . Abel in whom Cain slew did receive the rest of the gospel .

He had a living hope of a new body .His blood to this day cries out in a hope of fulling the promise. (Hebrew 11:39)
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Aug 19, 2020
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Mark of the beast and the internet

"If we are now near the End of the Age, The “mark of the beast” system appears to be taking shape and the infrastructure is being laid. The only system in place now is the internet. It is increasingly becoming depended upon for financial transactions and commerce. The internet is (MAYBE?) already tagged with 666. The “www” in the Hebrew language could be numerically read as 666. Although there is no “w” in Hebrew language. A “w” in Hebrew is given the same place as a “v”, which numerically equates to a number 6. In Hebrew, letters of the alphabet also equate to numbers. So the numberical value of a “w” is the same as a “v”, which is 6. Making “www” equal to 666 in the Hebrew alphabet numbering system."

World Wide Web=WWW=666=Mark of the Beast

My questions are: Can the internet of today eventually turn into the "mark of the beast" system and if so, are we Christian internet users safe for now?

And how likely is it true that the WWW in the internet really does equal the Hebrew 666 and the internet really is the eventual beast?

no, the internet is not a "mark of the beast" system, it is a tool, but a tool, it can become or it is of one mind" the mark of the beast", the word beast is a symbol of the world kingdom; carnivorous, cruel, devouring. Dan 7,8; Rev 13,17. Unclean animals.
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Living Dream

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Mar 28, 2021
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In my opinion it makes very much sense. The internet has developed so much that it became an ingredient of everyday life. We are actually wearing it on our foreheads and hands right now. Through smartphones we became so distracted that we even look at the screen in our hands while walking. It´s not a Christian habit because we miss out the present moment to enjoy the gift which was given to us and the opportunity to feel empathy towards someone and express love. It makes perfect sense. Those who can´t see this are just ignorant. Not everyone is capable of reading the signs. "Those who have ears shall listen."
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Mar 29, 2021
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There is a unified conscious that is being formed in the online realm and it is anti-Christ in nature.. The internet is not just a "tool", it is becoming the way of life; there will be very few things that people can do offline in the near future - including buying & selling
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Born-again Truthseeker
Feb 5, 2019
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It's commonly accepted in some circles that there are many facets and aspects and assets of the beast system, which one man will use to fulfill the mark of the beast prophecy. It is my personal belief that all of these corporate logos and such that clearly have 666 in them are a part of that beast system the antichrist controls or owns or uses to some degree to pressure the world into accepting the mark.
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Born-again Truthseeker
Feb 5, 2019
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"Is the Internet a technological and economical monstrosity inaugurating a new era of Babylonian idolatrous profaneness? The Book of Revelation speaks about the beast who will appear at the end of time and whose number is 666. It so happens that the sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet is "wav", equivalent to the English w. A fact is too, that the ancient Hebrews, lacking digit signs, used the letters as digits where the value of the digit corresponds to the letter's place in the alphabet. Consequently, when John speaks of the beast named 666 he speaks of the beast named www dot. John explains that "no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name". People shall be forced to worship this beast, says John. To me, it seems like John hits the head of the nail. Today, most companies are forced to accept the obligatory "www" before their names on façades and signboards. The World Wide Web is becoming an idolatrous mantra, a slippery octopus who stretches its tentacles into every corner of modern life.[/B] The global Internet economy together with information technology expands according to "new economical laws" - in other words, they are wreaking havoc. The native country of the undersigned, as the most computerized land in the world, is today replacing teachers for computers and automatized learning. Within a few years every citizen will have access to broadband, as the result of a governmental venture, because, as they say, the future lies in the Internet. We are being pressured to worship the beast."

Now I'm not saying that the www dot internet is the 666 beast mentioned in the bible, but there is a close similarity and with "www" being "666" in Hebrew, that makes it even more suspicious looking. The internet may not yet be the 666 but it could be in the future, and that's my whole point.

Here is more info:

"Obama’s “Internet ID” Program & a Future Beast System?
It has just been revealed that President Obama is trying to give the Commerce Department the authority to give you, me and “all Americans” using the internet a unique “internet ID.” Obama wants to move swiftly on this and plans to have his program ready in “a few months.” It is ostensibly being proposed in the interest of “cybersecurity,” but this sounds like an Orwellian electronic monitoring system to me. I’m not the only one with such concerns. The link states that “The move has raised eyebrows about privacy issues.”

The Obama administration’s purported claim that this is intended for “cybersecurity” reasons makes little sense to me. The government already has the authority to get a warrant and monitor anyone’s personal communications if there is reasonable evidence to support such a warrant. This seems to be the beginning of another technology that will eventually be used by a future “beast” system to monitor and control their access to the internet. Ominously, the Obama administration spokesman stated that under its new internet ID system designed to be imposed upon you that you will not need to “memorize a dozen passwords” in your internet activities. Really? That can only mean that the government intends to end all your “password-protected” activities and assign you an “internet ID” number via which it can monitor you at will. Internet privacy would end, in my evaluation of this proposal.

Upon reading the link below, a thought occurred to me. A Hebrew-speaking reader pointed out to me recently that there is no “w” in the Hebrew alphabet. Therefore, while we Americans see “www” at the beginning of all internet website addresses, Hebrew-language websites have to begin with something else. I was told that Hebrew websites begin with three consecutive letters of the Hebrew letter “vav,” so Hebrew-language website addresses begin with “vvv” instead of “www.” The numeric equivalent of the letter “vav” in the Hebrew alphabet is 6. Therefore, three consecutive “vav” letters at the beginning of website addresses results in a numeric sequence of…[are you ready for this?]…”666.
The language the apostles wrote the NT in was Greek. A Greek translation of the number is what is right, not translating the intentional Greek they wrote in, to what they did not intent - Hebrew.
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Mar 29, 2021
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Also interesting to note that the internet was invented while Berners-Lee was working at Cern, the company who has what looks eerily like a 666 monogram as their logo, as well as a statue of Shiva "The Destroyer" at the front of their headquarters ..not to mention the work they actually do at Cern.
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You cannot fool Jesus
Jan 9, 2013
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Mark of the beast and the internet

"If we are now near the End of the Age, The “mark of the beast” system appears to be taking shape and the infrastructure is being laid. The only system in place now is the internet. It is increasingly becoming depended upon for financial transactions and commerce. The internet is (MAYBE?) already tagged with 666. The “www” in the Hebrew language could be numerically read as 666. Although there is no “w” in Hebrew language. A “w” in Hebrew is given the same place as a “v”, which numerically equates to a number 6. In Hebrew, letters of the alphabet also equate to numbers. So the numberical value of a “w” is the same as a “v”, which is 6. Making “www” equal to 666 in the Hebrew alphabet numbering system."

World Wide Web=WWW=666=Mark of the Beast

My questions are: Can the internet of today eventually turn into the "mark of the beast" system and if so, are we Christian internet users safe for now?

And how likely is it true that the WWW in the internet really does equal the Hebrew 666 and the internet really is the eventual beast?
I have heard of this before in a testimony of someone who Jesus showed that the www in the internet was something bad, but nowhere did they say by using the internet does that constitute somehow having the mark of the beast. It was told on a video on Youtube but youtube deleted the channel. I do not know if there is a backup video but the video seemed credible as in the "Jesus" in the testimony didn't do or say anything that would raise any red flags or go against scripture.
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Jun 8, 2021
Lincoln, NE
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Answering the original poster.

That is another Wild Theory, how about just sticking to the BIBLE?

Revelation 13:15-18 (NCV)
15 The second beast was given power to give life to the idol of the first one so that the idol could speak. And the second beast was given power to command all who will not worship the image of the beast to be killed.
16 The second beast also forced all people, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to have a mark on their right hand or on their forehead.
17 No one could buy or sell without this mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.
18 This takes wisdom. Let the one who has understanding find the meaning of the number, which is the number of a person. Its number is six hundred sixty-six.

That tell me that it will be a NUMBER that Identify a specific individual. Sorta like our Social Security number now. I could be a tatoo, or the smallest RFID Chip; but it will be in the right hand or on the Forehead. It could be six digits - six digits - six digits, in length.
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Mar 29, 2021
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Is it really that wild? it's hard to deny that modern tech is shaping a new world, one that is far from the one that God would have had in mind. Maybe the web itself is not 666 but it is not hard to believe that the internet required for the mark.. I mean we do know that in the not too distant future that the internet will be required for buying and selling.. maybe all that's left is somebody with the number 666 attributed to him, to create some form of biometrics that will be required to participate in the "new world" and I do believe we are being conditioned for such a scenario right now.
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Jun 23, 2016
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World Wide Web=WWW=666=Mark of the Beast

There was a commercial sometime around 1999 by a provider that may or may not exist anymore, I can't remember the name. But the jist of it was "All mankind working together. The Internet: Speed Limit - Infinity"

So to me, it has always been not the Mark of the Beast, but the Tower of Babel, Take II. Not too much difference between a "tower to the heavens" and a "speed limit: infinity"

4 And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.
5 And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded.
6 And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.

"History doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes" ~Mark Twain

I imagine the response will eventually be more or less the same.
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Jun 8, 2021
Lincoln, NE
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So you don't think we are getting very close to the RFID chip going into People?
We have been there for a long time. Here is one compared with a dime:

Here is an article you must read:

RFID: Getting Under Your Skin?
August 5, 2004, CNN/Fortune
Mexican Attorney General Rafael Macedo de la Concha announced recently that he, several members of his staff, and some 160 employees of a new, $30 million anticrime computer center in Mexico City, had all been implanted with RFID chips. The chips – made by VeriChip, a subsidiary of Applied Digital Solutions of Delray Beach, Fla. – will help control and track access to the new anticrime center, which houses a centralized database intended to improve Mexico's dismal record of solving crimes. In a country where bribery and corruption are a problem, being able to track precisely who has access to the "delete" key in a criminal database can be quite useful. The U.S. Army has considered implanted RFID chips to forever end the anguish of Unknown Soldiers. Banks have entertained the idea of offering implanted tags to customers as a way to prevent thefts at ATM machines and retail stores. Nursing homes see some advantages in injecting tags in patients with Alzheimer's disease, who might wander or be incoherent. Police have suggested that pairing RFID'd officers with RFID'd handguns would keep the weapons from being used against the owner. So far, however, very legitimate concerns about privacy and ethics, not to mention squeamishness about the implantation process, have kept such applications in the theoretical stage. Well, almost. As the Mexican experience shows, some people are actually volunteering to be tagged.
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Jun 8, 2021
Lincoln, NE
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No, he is the Dictator, under the total Control of Satan, with the ambition to rule the WORLD. His actions is why he is called the Beast, if they will not bow down to the image of the Beast, which could be the Super Computer, controlling everyone's bank account, if they do not bow down to the image of the Beast, by submitting willingly to the numbered ID chip implanted in them, THE BEAST ORDERS THEM BEHEADED. So in a sense, they bow down to the Super Computer. That is How I understand it, but there are many interpretations. Satan, the Antichrist (the Beast), and the False Prophet are the unholy trinity. The False Prophet IS NOT THE POPE. But he will be the leader of the one world religion, who worships the Super Computer. No I am not worried about it at all, as I absolutely believe in the pre-tribulation RAPTURE. I will be in heaven attending the Wedding of the LAMB, I already have the my invite in my Heart.
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Daniel Marsh

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Jun 28, 2015
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Mark of the beast and the internet

"If we are now near the End of the Age, The “mark of the beast” system appears to be taking shape and the infrastructure is being laid. The only system in place now is the internet. It is increasingly becoming depended upon for financial transactions and commerce. The internet is (MAYBE?) already tagged with 666. The “www” in the Hebrew language could be numerically read as 666. Although there is no “w” in Hebrew language. A “w” in Hebrew is given the same place as a “v”, which numerically equates to a number 6. In Hebrew, letters of the alphabet also equate to numbers. So the numberical value of a “w” is the same as a “v”, which is 6. Making “www” equal to 666 in the Hebrew alphabet numbering system."

World Wide Web=WWW=666=Mark of the Beast

My questions are: Can the internet of today eventually turn into the "mark of the beast" system and if so, are we Christian internet users safe for now?

And how likely is it true that the WWW in the internet really does equal the Hebrew 666 and the internet really is the eventual beast?

That is funny because if it is you have received the mark by using it.
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Nov 30, 2019
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Mark of the beast and the internet

"If we are now near the End of the Age, The “mark of the beast” system appears to be taking shape and the infrastructure is being laid. The only system in place now is the internet. It is increasingly becoming depended upon for financial transactions and commerce. The internet is (MAYBE?) already tagged with 666. The “www” in the Hebrew language could be numerically read as 666. Although there is no “w” in Hebrew language. A “w” in Hebrew is given the same place as a “v”, which numerically equates to a number 6. In Hebrew, letters of the alphabet also equate to numbers. So the numberical value of a “w” is the same as a “v”, which is 6. Making “www” equal to 666 in the Hebrew alphabet numbering system."

World Wide Web=WWW=666=Mark of the Beast

My questions are: Can the internet of today eventually turn into the "mark of the beast" system and if so, are we Christian internet users safe for now?

And how likely is it true that the WWW in the internet really does equal the Hebrew 666 and the internet really is the eventual beast?
666 can represent a lot of things. The mark of the beast is basically your heart and what you love the most. If internet is something that you love the most and you use it for evil purposes then yes it can be the mark of the beast. Everything that we love and do is recorded/marked in our hearts.
Our LOVE for evil is the mark of the beast
King Nebuchadnezzar II from the book of Daniel, his numerical value is 666. He had too much pride(LOVE for himself)
May God bless You
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Jun 8, 2021
Lincoln, NE
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Marumorose: 666 can represent a lot of things.

Actually Henry Kissinger, already invented a numbering system for individuals in 1999 that closely resembles the Mark of the Beast. Do you remember how scared everyone got in that year, that the year 2000 would cause all Computers to CRASH. So he came up with a contingency plan to PUT the whole world on the same numbering system, and I think his numbering system was 5 digits, 5 digits, & 5 digits. The first 5 digits would be the city you live in, and the second 5 digits would be the geographical coordinates of your FRONT DOOR, and the third set of numbers would BE the actual ID Number of the individual residing in the House. You would have to get a permission to MOVE from the Government.


I remember that news flash from 1999, and thought, all they had to do was add ONE digit to each group of numbers to fit the 666 perfectly.


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