How can I use my gifts for God?


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Jul 5, 2022
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Growing up I never really knew what I was good at. Until about 3 years ago I found it. Music Production. Everything just clicked with my brain and I understood it all. Since then I have practiced and practiced and God willing, I've become pretty good (don't mean to have this sound like im tooting my own horn, I just dont know how to say it otherwise overtext). How can I use this gift for God? I dont rlly know what God wants me to do with it.
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Dec 29, 2002
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A Church I went to growing up would go to other Churches where we would sing then go out and pray for the people. Well one day after service I went for a walk alone. I stood there looking out saying Father I know you called me but I don't know to what. That Sunday night after we sang to then pray for the people I notice Roy choir member was bring prayed for. I just knew it was God and thought if I go over there maybe he will pray for me. So I go over and he took his hands off Roy put on me said "my son I have called you but you don't know to what but I will open all the doors. You have great faith..." anyway. Though duh I new it was God I still went to my pastor asked if that mans word could be trusted and answer was yes.

I love love love love love.. you know LOVE music and one day I asked a band that came to our Church about it and he told me a School in Oklahoma. All this was after what God told me opening all the doors. Truth I never gave what God said another thought just what I wanted to do lol. I lived raised born in Washington St. So I was going to go to that School in Oklahoma and I got this thought to go say good by to a old friend. Well talking to her she just happen to know 2 people going to the same state. See I was going blind. I knew no one had no job just going blind. So it was me and these two girls all believers in Christ. The on girl was going to some Christian School. Anyway as we just got into Oklahoma the driver that new I had no place to stay said she knew someone that went to Oral Roberts Univ but didn't know where the School was. All this is word for word and exactly what happened. So as we were talking about this the car behind us the guy keeps pointing up. We notice this "INFO" stand so we pull over he right behind us gets out comes over and says "didn't you see me pointing up?" We say yes" He said and I quote "the lord told me you don't know how to get to Oral Roberts UNIV and I am to show you the way". This story goes on and on.

I am 61 now and what God does for one He does for all. A song (old) says "your desire is the confirmation that destination is there. God wouldn't put it in your spirit if it wasn't going anywhere". See I just always read His word always just believed. Its what He says. Growing up there was no INTERENT no cell phones so all I did was read the bible I didn't read any other books..SAD I still don't like reading. So it was just me and Him nothing else. So what do you see as you look out? What do you want? KNOW don't guess know He is for you not against you. TALK to Him listen to Him know HE can do ANYTHING. I don't think I ever shared this.. 1st time I ever sang in Church I was 19-20 a few hundred people. The song a old one new then haha "its my desire". Man everyone stood keep clapping. Again never sheared. Then in Calf in Church the Choir director who wrote some known songs heard me sing one time down stairs. Well BIG Church so I had to sing down stairs. The moment he heard me they had this group 4 people that always sang.. he didn't ask me he told me I was in that group now. I LOVE all kind of music.. Christian Rap Gospel you name it anything that praises my Father gives Him all the glory.

So all this I pray to help your faith. Its KNOWING He is for you no matter what you see hear or feel. Luke 11:13.. as its written have you received the holy Spirit since you believed. I would look for a word Church one that believes in all the gifts. YES its as Christ said you shall receive power after. So if He said ask then ask.. and then thank Him. You do this for EVERYTHING God said. Ask Him to open your eyes as you read His word.. watch how verse just pop out.. thats Him talking to you. KNOW He is for you.. not against you. So know this someone out there is now praying for you.. I know not at all boasting.. I know He hears me
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Aug 12, 2018
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Growing up I never really knew what I was good at. Until about 3 years ago I found it. Music Production. Everything just clicked with my brain and I understood it all. Since then I have practiced and practiced and God willing, I've become pretty good (don't mean to have this sound like im tooting my own horn, I just dont know how to say it otherwise overtext). How can I use this gift for God? I dont rlly know what God wants me to do with it.
Concerning your gift.
My advice is..
- continue to seek, pray & wait on the Lord.
- More clarity/detail will unfold..
- & the door will His time. might take years.
I am saying this..from experience..
- during my spiritual journey.
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I love Jesus, family, reading, and working hard.
Feb 27, 2023
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I don't think you're tooting your own horn. Shucks! I'm 43 and I have no gift. I am glad you found something God wants you to do.

Sometimes I wonder what it would be like for God to tell me to do something like all the other people. Seems like everyone has a cool thing where God sent them somewhere. Or sent somebody to them.

In the end I am just glad He said my name once. I'll take it. But Gifts? Ha! Ain't got nothing.
God gave you music? Play it out. He's got your back!
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Jul 5, 2022
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I don't think you're tooting your own horn. Shucks! I'm 43 and I have no gift. I am glad you found something God wants you to do.

Sometimes I wonder what it would be like for God to tell me to do something like all the other people. Seems like everyone has a cool thing where God sent them somewhere. Or sent somebody to them.

In the end I am just glad He said my name once. I'll take it. But Gifts? Ha! Ain't got nothing.
God gave you music? Play it out. He's got your back!
Im sure you have a gift man! The bible says we are all given a gift that we are to use! Tbh, Idk if this is what God "wants" me to do. But an uncanny number of circumstances have lined up perfectly to let me do it, and I have a burning passion for music production, so imma take that as a sign that im to use it for the kingdom! Follow your passions man, and see what clicks! See what can be used for the kingdom.
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Mar 17, 2023
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Growing up I never really knew what I was good at. Until about 3 years ago I found it. Music Production. Everything just clicked with my brain and I understood it all. Since then I have practiced and practiced and God willing, I've become pretty good (don't mean to have this sound like im tooting my own horn, I just dont know how to say it otherwise overtext). How can I use this gift for God? I dont rlly know what God wants me to do with it.
Why don't you ask Him?
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kenny123 at Christ Follower Life
Jun 1, 2021
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Using gifts for God can be a deeply personal and fulfilling experience of me. Here are some steps you can take to explore how to use your gifts for God:

  1. Identify your gifts: Take some time to reflect on your skills, talents, and passions. Consider what you enjoy doing, what comes naturally to you, and what others have complimented you on.
  2. Pray for guidance: Ask God to reveal how you can use your gifts to serve Him. Pray for discernment, wisdom, and courage as you explore different opportunities.
  3. Serve others: Look for ways to use your gifts to serve others. Volunteer at your church, community center, or a local nonprofit organization. Offer your skills and talents to those in need, whether it's cooking a meal for a family going through a tough time, tutoring a child who is struggling in school, or using your artistic abilities to create something meaningful for someone.
  4. Connect with like-minded individuals: Join a community of believers who share your passion for serving God. This could be a small group at your church, an online forum, or a group of friends who are committed to using their gifts for God.
  5. Be open to new opportunities: God may call you to use your gifts in unexpected ways. Be open to new opportunities that come your way and trust that God will guide you on your journey.
Remember that using your gifts for God is not about achieving personal success or recognition, but about serving others and glorifying Him. Stay humble and open to feedback, and seek to honor God in all that you do.
>> More Christia gifts Here: Christian Gifts - Religious Gifts
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Feb 19, 2023
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Ephesians chapter 3 and Corinthians 12. God gives diversity of gifts to Christian people. Music or making money to help the poor. Some are seed planters, they share Gods truth with others. If you can find good church. Singing in choir is one way to honor God. But, if you have the ability to study the bible. Plant seeds for God. God does reward those who serve Him. Bottom line. Utilize your gifts. Serve and honor God.
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