Could dreams be part of the Kingdom of Heaven?


the village i--o--t--
Aug 31, 2012
Christian Seeker
Marital Status
Just this year, the Holy Spirit guided me to an exceptionally healthy lifestyle that generally avoided indulging in food, periods of fasting, and high volume of exercise.

It actually resulted to some of my health issues like migraines, indigestion, etc, getting healed.

But the lifestyle came with other good things as well. I'm now having dreams every night and able to remember most of them as well. And the nature of these dreams have been very pleasant even if some of the things are out of place and some scenes are extremely out of this world. My dad passed away last 2019 and I miss him terribly and now I see him in dreams every night.

Unless it's some sort of prophetic dream, I find myself in a world similar to our in many ways with many familiar sights and places, even the names of the countries are the same but with stark differences. There's a lot less people in it, no traffic jams, though still drove around in cars, and everyone is nice. The air is clean though the sky is of a different color. The sky is sometimes a shade of purple and sometimes, a shade of dark yellow-green. A nice shade of purple and yellow green, not too saturated like an artistic photographic effect, very pleasant to look at. Not 'trippy' at all.

Many of the qualities of this place is something you might expect a child to fantasize about. Things that make a 'real child' happy, not the kind of children we have today who are glued to their gadgets and brainwashed by tik tok. There are castles too and skeletons of utterly massive creatures even much bigger than Godzilla.

It reminded me of the verses "unless you become like a little child, you cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven" "Seek for yourself treasures in Heaven that never runs out where thieves can't steal..."

Because the place I see in my dreams each night is all about those principles. Thoughtful, innocent fun. We don't even need money in that place because everyone is eager to help you out. Everyone shares what they have and what they can do. I can even leave the car with the keys in ignition because if I ever needed a ride, I'll just look for another one. Nobody locks up at all. Crazy!

Driving around in the countryside on a car or bicycle seems to be my favorite thing to do in there. I could probably fly a plane and I do know to fly a plane via experience in computer simulators but I just prefer to drive or ride a bicycle. Sometimes dad goes with me during a bicycle ride and talk about stuff. He's always happy in that place just as I am also happy in that place.

Is that really the Kingdom of Heaven? No thieves, a 'treasure' that never runs out, things that would make a child happy, everyone is nice, and all the days and work is light and easy. It's truly something I have that cannot be stolen by thieves.


the village i--o--t--
Aug 31, 2012
Christian Seeker
Marital Status
I forgot to mention one more thing why it could be the Kingdom of Heaven when it comes to being like an innocent child, pure in thoughts is abstaining on worldly things like thinking too much about money, indulging on food, and even including sex within marriage. Because I'm single, that meant stop masturbating.

Denying yourself of a bit of food and sex in combination with good quality sleep seems to give dreams and allows you remember them as well. It helps improve memory in the unconscious / subconscious state which facilitates remembering of dreams. It's pointless to be dreaming but unable to remember them because you could be dreaming but if you can't remember them, it's like you never dreamed at all.

And thinking as a child would. A world not limited by money and social constructs. A world without limits. Just free your mind.
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