A Serious Word from John


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2024
United States
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And you say to NEVER question his word ??

# 1 Your thoughts on 2 Tim 2:15 Be diligent to present yourself ACCEPTED by God , a workman having no cause for SHAME rightly dividing the Word of Truth ,

# 2 And since we are in 1 John 5:3 how above this verse ?

# 3 1 John 5:18 We know that who soever is BORN of God sinneth NOT // OU , is a DISJUNCAIVE PARTICLE NEGATIVE and that means you can NEVER SIN AGAIN , but he that is begotten of God keepeth himself , and that WICKED one touched him NOT // OU is a DISJUNCATIVE PARTICLE NEGATIVE that means that , the WICKED ONE cannot ever TOUCH HIM EVER !!

dan p

I can ask God for wisdom as to what His Word means if it's a difficult passage. I mean question His Word in the way of making excuses, as the serpent used on Eve, "Did God REALLY say that?" Then goes on to twist it up by presenting his version of things, a blatant lie but also with an element of truth: "Ye shall not surely die" TRUE in that it wouldn't happen that day. But a LIE in that Satan concealed the eternal death factor.

1 John is difficult for many, and I've asked the LORD "What exactly do you mean here? Guide me into all truth by thy Holy Spirit as you promised, show me the way."

ἁμαρτάνει present indicative active, thought to be "continues to sin" or "he sins" οὐχ ἁμαρτάνει - he does not sin, or "sinneth not". Certainly will not live a life of sin, or continue spinning, but I don't think it means totally incapable of committing one sin even of the mind, otherwise John would not have been led to write what he does in chapter 1.

I'm of the belief, not quite "sinless perfection" as Quakers teach, or used to teach, but close to it: I believe in full sanctification. Jesus did call us to be perfect even as our Father in heaven is perfect, which is written in Matthew, not John. Another difficult passage people struggle with and complain, "Well, no one is perfect." That is not what scripture teaches, for Abraham and Job were called perfect, and in the New Testament we are told to be perfect in several places.

I think it boils down to enduring till the end, perseverance, and overcoming in your daily walk, and let that washing of the water of the Word cleanse you of sin, and the Spirit fill you full so that sin has no room, leaving only your flesh which might be prone to sin, but does not have to sin.
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