
  1. CoreyD

    Interpretation Versus Explanation

    The first thing that will probably come to mind, when seeing this title, is "Interpretation is explanation! They mean the same thing." That's okay. This thread is more about interpretations that go against explanations. Here is an example: (Daniel 2:31-45) 34 You watched while a stone was cut...
  2. Nick Moser

    Do not be afraid.......... (Matt 1:20-21)

    "An Angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said: Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife; for what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit; for she will bear a son, and you will call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins!" - Matt...
  3. G

    Logic: if apes connected to humans, humans can "reconnect" to humans - what is the good of that?

    Hi there, So yes, a simple element of logic here: if apes connected to humans (genealogically), could humans not "reconnect" to other humans? I have said before that "the Evolution of a specific survival, is different from the optimum survival for that Evolution" this is merely an extension of...
  4. A

    Luke 14:25-33 (Discipleship Tested/Counting the cost Parable) as Management instructions

    Is evaluating Luke 14:25-33 verses which discusses the Parable about Discipleship Tested / Counting the cost as instructions for Personal Financial Planning/Project management/Business Planning be considered as taking said verses out of context? The reason I'm asking is because Luke 14:25-33...
  5. G

    Do you have an abundance of Jesus? That is something to aim for?

    Hi there, So I just wanted to comfort you with something, for one thing that you need it, for another that it proves my struggle has not been in vain and for a third, that we have hope in it together. The thing I want to comfort you with is a question: Interpreted another way, it is simply...
  6. G

    Ok. So blunt honesty here, I think Evolution made the Words of Jesus even more true?

    Hi there, So this will be unremarkable to you, as an Evolutionist, but I find even the words of an Evolutionist mean more to me - a Creationist - because of the Words of Jesus. "What?" you say "How could a theory I hold, have had an affect on words you keep, with ink and paper?" but hear me...
  7. 2PhiloVoid

    Hellacious Hermeneutics ... or "Why're we so serious about the Bible"?

    It has been my ongoing experience over the years to observe that most people, Christian or otherwise, have felt a sense of chagrin about the topic of Hermeneutics and Exegesis, especially where the Bible is concerned. This got me thinking today, and I thought to myself, "Self!" ...and you know...
  8. Elfkind

    Did my dream have any kind of meaning?

    I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this question, but I'm just curious of hearing the opinions of what people might think of a dream I had. I'm very fascinated by the words in the bible, where it describe Jesus as He is when he met with John on Patmos, and the description of the...
  9. G

    "They shall all be taught by God" (Isa.), at God's coming will be "they shall all speak healing"

    Hi there, So there is a context sensitive verse in the gospels, quoted from Isaiah, that they shall all be taught by God - that is, you will not need to explain what you mean, to others, anymore, they shall understand what it means to speak of God (and His teaching). What is interesting is that...
  10. stars1777

    How can I interpret the words of Jesus Christ and apply it to my life??

    I have tried to read the Bible several times but I have some trouble understanding what the message of what it is talking about. There are just some passages that I am very confused about and that makes me get lost because I have the wrong interpretation. I just constantly get lost and I...
  11. Mark Quayle

    You would be hard pressed to win a debate with a madman!

    In the same way that our humanity and experiences color the way we think, our language does also. People think more differently from each other than most of us realize. Lately I've noticed that whole threads are full of people talking past each other because they simply don't think alike...
  12. KingdomInTheCulture

    How to interpret the Bible correctly!

    I recently made a sarcastic video on tips for making the Bible say whatever you want. Let me know what you think. I'm also trying to gather more ways to misinterpret the Bible so I can make a part 2 of the video:
  13. Monksailor

    PERCEPTION: What relevance has this to interpretation of Scripture?

    Perception defined for this thread from the Oxford dictionary (Perception | Definition of Perception by Oxford Dictionary on also meaning of Perception): "The ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses, The state of being or process of becoming aware of...
  14. G

    4th Episode: Collective Dreams (believers dreaming with the Holy Spirit) 04.05.20 - 04.06.20

    Hi there, Ok so this has started to work really great. Something I didn't realise was that as the leader of this thread, my interpretation comes last - I am able to share the dream, but it can't be understood until the time the Holy Spirit is willing; the first shall be last and the last first...
  15. H

    Speaking in Tongues? My sister believes she has this gift... Could someone help us understand a little bit better? Thanks.
  16. H

    Speaking in Tongues? My sister believes she is speaking in tongues. What do you think? Thanks.
  17. Stephanie Muccio

    Can anyone interpret dreams on here?

    I have always been taught that some people can interpret dreams. I had a dream last night that woke me up. It is really troubling. I'll type out the dream below. *Please don't read if you are sensitive to scary images or gore. It distressed me and it may distress you as well.* I look over at...
  18. 2PhiloVoid

    And they say, "There's no Evidence ... !!!"

    Of course, that's easy to say when everyone has their eyes wide shut! So, add some evidence to the world, fellow Christians......RESIST and send the ball back into the court of all the Counterfeits & Revolutionaries!!! :cool:'s time to get the Enlightenment out of our heads, wherever...
  19. Christsfreeservant

    When Awakened

    Philippians 2:14-16 ESV Do all things without grumbling or disputing, that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, holding fast to the word of life, so that in the day of...
  20. Long Beard

    How To Read A Book

    With the spine to your left, open the front cover and start at the beginning. If you’re reading Hebrew or Aramaic the spine would be on your right… either way, start at the beginning. This is an elementary instruction that is sound and good. If you want to understand the contents of a book…...