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    • RocksInMyHead
      Because he wants a Republican in the White House and has been convinced that Trump is the only way that's happening in 2024. ETA: and...
    • RocksInMyHead
      RocksInMyHead replied to the thread GUILTY.
      That's the story that Trump's defense team tried to sell to the jury. They weren't very successful. The prosecution was able to...
    • RocksInMyHead
      RocksInMyHead replied to the thread GUILTY.
      Yes, I think we are.
    • RocksInMyHead
      RocksInMyHead replied to the thread GUILTY.
      I think you're barking up the wrong tree here - as I recall from previous postings, Foamhead is transgender and was making a joke.
    • RocksInMyHead
      RocksInMyHead replied to the thread GUILTY.
      A payment for a non-disclosure agreement is a legal settlement. It is not a legal expense. Legal expenses specifically refer to...
    • RocksInMyHead
      RocksInMyHead replied to the thread GUILTY.
      Correct. Cohen's conviction is irrelevant here - the jury was specifically instructed to disregard it. The crime of falsifying...
    • RocksInMyHead
      RocksInMyHead replied to the thread GUILTY.
      Again, you seem to be unclear on the meaning of "legal expense". The issue in this case revolves around the use of "legal expense" (as...
    • RocksInMyHead
      RocksInMyHead replied to the thread GUILTY.
      No, the Colorado case went to the Supreme Court because it concerned interpretations of the 14th Amendment - a Constitutional matter...
    • RocksInMyHead
      RocksInMyHead replied to the thread GUILTY.
      Why wouldn't you blame the jury for that? Since this is a matter of state law, it's unlikely that it will make it to the USSC. State...
    • RocksInMyHead
      And this is why false prophets should stick to vague handwavy predictions - much easier to spin (or convince people you were actually...
    • RocksInMyHead
      RocksInMyHead replied to the thread GUILTY.
      Of course. That's how our legal system works. Will you accept the result if he loses his appeals though?
    • RocksInMyHead
      RocksInMyHead replied to the thread GUILTY.
      Sure, which the jury heard. Clearly, they were not convinced.
    • RocksInMyHead
      RocksInMyHead replied to the thread GUILTY.
      Yes, and quite a bit of testimony was made in order to demonstrate that intent. Nope, still not a legal expense. But few would...
    • RocksInMyHead
      RocksInMyHead replied to the thread GUILTY.
      Sure, a lawyer drafts the agreement. But a payment to someone to stop them from talking about something is not a legal expense. To be...
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