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    • Neostarwcc
      He doesn't but he and I are going to discuss it this Sunday when I see him.
    • Neostarwcc
      Well the thing is I do a lot of things that get me in trouble so a lot of the times I will lie to either soften the blow on me or soften...
    • Neostarwcc
      Ok so pretty much ever since i was a kid until about seven years ago i had a big, big problem with sexual immorality. Big problem. But...
    • Neostarwcc
      Just a small update. So I went to my GP yesterday and told him I'm getting bariatric surgery. He was ecstatic and very happy. He filled...
    • Neostarwcc
      Neostarwcc replied to the thread Total Depravity.
      You're going a tad off topic but I partially agree with you and then I disagree with you. First where I disagree. It's pretty clear from...
    • Neostarwcc
      Neostarwcc replied to the thread Total Depravity.
      Funny you should mention God hardening Pharoah. God did harden Pharaoh's heart but as you can see God's hardening of Pharaoh's heart...
    • Neostarwcc
      In Ephesians 2:1-5 Paul describes the state of a believer pre regeneration (Dead in trespasses and sins) and after regeneration (Made...
    • Neostarwcc
      Neostarwcc replied to the thread All authority.
      Yes, I answered your statement twice and now three times. I said you're talking about an act that was committed by fallen man rather...
    • Neostarwcc
      Neostarwcc replied to the thread All authority.
      You're mentioning acts that fallen humans have done and not Satan and like i said satan is completely bound to God fallen humans are...
    • Neostarwcc
      Ive never noticed that before but, It's sort of implied. You're right that Jesus only said that a man could remarry because of sexual...
    • Neostarwcc
      Neostarwcc replied to the thread All authority.
      So Jesus never told Peter that Satan asked for permission to sift Peter like wheat? Just because God never commanded or mentioned one...
    • Neostarwcc
      Neostarwcc replied to the thread All authority.
      Actually Satan cannot do anything without God's permission. Even when Satan wants to tempt or attack God's sheep Satan needs God's...
    • Neostarwcc
      Neostarwcc reacted to Hammster's post in the thread All authority with Winner Winner.
      And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples...
    • Neostarwcc
      Hebrews 6 is just a reminder that it is impossible for a sheep of God to be renewed again to repentance. Mainly, if it were possible for...
    • Neostarwcc
      Right and the whole bariatric team including my surgeon is working at trying to figure out ways to make my surgery a success despite the...
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