Christian Devotional. We should be listening for God’s response after every prayer. In fact, listening is probably the most important part of prayer.
Christian Devotional. Understanding God is equal to understanding kindness, justice and righteousness. When we take hold of these three concepts, we are em...
Christian Devotional. God wants us to realize that some things take time to mature. Often waiting for God to present us with the right moment to act is our...
Christian Devotional. The more we study the Word of God and the more time we spend in prayer, the easier it will be to connect with the Holy Spirit and disc...
Christian Devotional. Everything of value is derived from the Word of God. Without the Word of God we are running around in circles. If we want truth, we ...
As followers of Jesus Christ, we are children of God and a carefully designed part of the body of Christ. Maintaining a fully functional body of Christ is e...
Christian Devotional. When we stand firm in our faith, and keep our eyes on God, He will use worldly struggles as a tool to help us grow to be more like Jesus.
Christian Devotional. A selection of Bible verses that celebrate our amazing God.
Christian Devotional. Simply put, the path to God’s blessing moves away from this world and closer to the light of Jesus. Our ultimate goal as followers of...
Christian Devotional. God wants to be the most important part of your life. God wants to show you extraordinary things that you can only realize in His pre...
Christian Devotional. There’s nothing in this world that we cannot do without. Everything we need is found in our walk with God. When we encounter disappo...
Christian Devotional. When we plan our lives around the wisdom of God rather than our own selfish ambition, we will find our ultimate purpose and rest in kn...
When we seek God’s wisdom and understanding before acting, we can be certain we are traveling down the right road.
Christian Devotional. It is love that connects all believers together, and it is love that keeps us connected to Jesus, and it is love that empowers our con...
We become more like Jesus when we endure the challenges of this life resting comfortably in the knowledge that God is in complete control.
Christian Devotional. Followers of Jesus Christ are no longer individuals struggling to find their way in an increasingly hostile world. Followers of Jesus...
Those who do not produce love are useless to God. Those that have love for God and love for their neighbor, will be nurtured to help them produce even more ...
When Jesus returns, he wants to find us working on his behalf. When we let the light of Jesus shine in our lives by sharing God’s love with others, we are a...
Without question, our greatest investment return will come when we dedicate our lives to investing with Jesus. When we invest with Jesus, our reward goes we...
Make no mistake about it we are in the midst of a great battle between good and evil. God our Creator is on the side of good and has sent his Son Jesus to s...
There is no deception found in the pages of the Bible. Test everything you are being told about the Bible with your own personal study guided by the Holy Sp...
Because humans are imperfect there will always be conflicts and misunderstandings. Because humans are imperfect there will always be times of selfishness an...
Jesus taught that in order to be first, we must consider ourselves to be the very last and a servant to everyone. Our lives do not belong to us – our lives ...
When we make a decision to follow Jesus and put our faith in him, we become more valuable than gold nuggets and become children of God – loved and protected ...
maintenance man

Daily Devotionals

Bible study inspired thoughts.
Great Thumbnails! I am currently slowly learning to make my own for my own videos but you got things really down, very nice.

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maintenance man
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